An Ex-Mormon Informant
On this channel, I cut through the falsehoods and whitewashed narratives of the LDS Church, presenting verifiable facts so viewers can make truly informed decisions.
On this channel, I cut through the falsehoods and whitewashed narratives of the LDS Church, presenting verifiable facts so viewers can make truly informed decisions.
Interviewing Mormons and Exmormons. Helping people know what it is like after leaving Mormons behind.
For years, Mormons like Jake, Christin, Braden, and Janae have been told by their church leaders to ignore uncomfortable and conflicting questions about historical, social, or spiritual issues in their church.
Jesus for Mormons is a faithful alternative to a Mormon Faith Crisis! Join Kai Van Leuven and Di Beals as we talk about Kai’s personal journey leaving the Mormon Church and transition into Mainstream Christianity!
Let’s talk about The Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is a made up fantasy book, and here is my evidence. Brew up your devil’s bean juice and let’s have a chat.
Many Gospel Topics from the Bible are discussed. I include many different guests and also do debates with Mormons in these videos. I live for Jesus and to bring people to Him is the least I can do.
Welcome to Apologia Utah. We are a Reformed Baptist Church in the Salt Lake Valley. Our aim is to magnify Christ, bring the Gospel to this state, and see the Kingdom of God expand through faithful local congregations.
Braden is a pastor of a Baptist Church. He is an ex-Mormon who loves Jesus. Listen to sermons, debates with Mormons, and also his evangelism outreaches to Mormons.
We seek to educate Mormons and Non-Mormons regarding the truth of Mormon history, doctrine, and theology. This channel is motivated by the principle of “Informed Consent” – that Mormons and non-Mormons alike should know the truth about the church, so that they can make informed decisions about their relationship (or non-relationship) with the church.
This ministry helps people know how to better talk to Mormons in the way God would want us to reach them for Christ. Book of Mormon verses are also examined. All this is done, in order to shine the light upon the false teachings in this book. False beliefs in the Mormon church in general is also examined.
Videos on Mormonism from a Christian perspective. There are many guest speakers who came out of Mormonism. Each person shares there experiences of how they came out of the Mormon cult. These encounters will help you also discover the reasons to leave Mormonism. This is all for Christ and not to be comfortable in a false religion.
Ex-Mormon Files is a weekly broadcast TV show hosted by Earl Ekerstine and features former LDS members who have found a relationship with Jesus Christ and have been born again. You can visit our website at in order to find more information about our ministry and how we reach Mormons for Christ.
Through my channel, I discuss the problems found within Mormonism and the teachings of the Latter Day Saints Church. I cover everything from LDS doctrine and scripture to their history to the past teachings to the continued “revelation” by their prophets today. There is STILL HOPE to be found in a relationship with the true Jesus Christ of the Bible!
This Podcast is the longest-running and most successful podcast in Mormonism. It is hosted by Dr. John Dehlin. At Mormon Stories we explore, celebrate, and challenge Mormon culture through long-form stories. You will hear from many guest speakers who share how and why they left Mormonism.
Witnessing tips and encouragement. Our mission is to proclaim Christ in love to Mormons and to empower Christians to witness. Truth in Love Ministry’s main focus is witnessing to Mormons, but these truths can be applied in any witnessing situation. It is important to lead people from false teachings to Jesus.
This Ministry is an apologetics organization that was organized to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to critically evaluate the differences between Mormonism and biblical Christianity. Get a broader sense of why Mormonism is not Christian based on their man-made beliefs.
The God Loves Mormons YouTube Channel is designed to provide helpful and thought-provoking content for Mormons who are trying to better understand the Christian faith, and for Christians who are wanting to lovingly engage their Mormon neighbors. The teachings in the Mormon faith are examined, along with all the contradictions.
We reach JWs and Mormons through personal encounters, both in person and online, teach Christians how to do the same and warn the general public about the dangers of these two groups. We love Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons and wish to see them obtain the same forgiveness of sins which we have.
Berean Perspective is a Christian Discipleship, Apologetics & Evangelism Ministry. We are focused on teaching sound biblical doctrine, mentoring believers in Christ Jesus, and helping people come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We equip the body of Christ to use their gifts to serve the Lord and bless others.
This ministry is centered around helping those who are lost come to Jesus. Ex-Mormons are interviewed, Christian vs Mormon debates are done, as Mormons are reached with the gospel. “We aim that they share our joy and that we share theirs, so that both joys are larger because of being shared.” (John Piper, “What Jesus Demands of the World”, p. 282)
This video reference library is based on the history and theology of Mormonism. Get videos on the contradictions in Mormonism, the priesthood, blood atonement, blacks and the priesthood, Joseph Smith false teachings, changes in the Mormon scriptures and much much more. Gain a new outlook on the Mormon Church as you watch these videos.
Find the best videos on Mormonism. This channel includes a selection from all the best videos from many different sources on YouTube. The videos have been hand picked and added upon watching them. Every video is meant to help people break free from the Mormon faith once and for all. Also learn as a Christian how they are deceived.
Welcome to Apologia Studios! Our mission is to get the Gospel into all areas of culture. From theology to politics. We discuss everything from modern culture, to Mormonism and the cults and do it all in a reformed and relevant way.