Angels and Jesus are a lot alike, except for Jesus being God. They can both transform their bodies and simply appear in a room if they want to.
Inspirations (02-2023)
Today’s Inspiration (02/27/2023)
Mormons admit that they worship a different Jesus than that in Christianity. This is huge and should cause many Mormons to resign.
Today’s Inspiration (02/26/2023)
Mormons believe that God’s one true church is with them and not in churches of Christianity. This is what the devil would want people to think.
Today’s Inspiration (02/25/2023)
What do cults like to do? They undermine the importance of the Bible by saying that their new teachings are more relevant.
Today’s Inspiration (02/24/2023)
We do not regard Joseph Smith as a prophet of God. His false prophesies is just the icing on the cake as to why.
Today’s Inspiration (02/23/2023)
There are many mockers and scoffers. This can cause us to grieve, for people’s hearts are so hard-hearted toward God.
Today’s Inspiration (02/22/2023)
Modern-day revelations in Mormonism are not of God but man-made ideas over the space and time of this cult. Paul Gee / February 22, 2023 / Related Devotional
Today’s Inspiration (02/21/2023)
It is sad when people teach things contrary to the Bible, what is of man and not of God, while causing God’s people to stumble.
Today’s Inspiration (02/20/2023)
Mormonism differs with Christianity in so many ways. They even disagree with core Christian doctrines.
Today’s Inspiration (02/19/2023)
The Lord God reigneth. He is here now and among His people. All around the world there are revivals.
Today’s Inspiration (02/18/2023)
Only through the Lord, our God, can anyone become righteous. This means to be blameless and pure in God’s sight.
Today’s Inspiration (02/17/2023)
Mormons are putting on their god hats when entering their temples and doing work for dead people.
Today’s Inspiration (02/16/2023)
If we allow God to cover us, we are protected from the enemy. Like wings of eagles, we are also caried away safely.
Today’s Inspiration (02/15/2023)
The Mormon missionaries and their church members will deny that Adam is God, but their own scriptures say differently.
Today’s Inspiration (02/14/2023)
This is our day to tell our spouse that we love them, and to also give God thanks for he or she in our lives.
Today’s Inspiration (02/13/2023)
Those who love Jesus also live for Him. These are those who will die and go into the light and into paradise.
Today’s Inspiration (02/12/2023)
Baptisms and other works for the dead are simply heresy. This is easily seen just by reading from the Book of Revelation.
Today’s Inspiration (02/11/2023)
David got a glimpse of Jesus’s kingdom. Speaking of His seed, it shall endure forever under Jesus, our Messiah, and King.
Today’s Inspiration (02/10/2023)
Those who do proxy work for dead people are doing the works of Satan. He is thrilled with this type of work. God’s wrath is upon them.
Today’s Inspiration (02/09/2023)
Are unrepentant murderers dying and going to paradise or hell? The emphatic answer is hell and then the lake of fire.
Today’s Inspiration (02/08/2023)
Don’t give up. God’s mercy is for you. He will come and lift you up, while giving you the strength to carry on.
Today’s Inspiration (02/07/2023)
Who would be so bold as to say they are better than Jesus? Surely, a true believer in Him would never say this.
Today’s Inspiration (02/06/2023)
Not only will God hear us and forgive us our sins, but He will heal our lands when we do what He says.
Today’s Inspiration (02/05/2023)
God loves Zion, which is His kingdom and church on earth. His people are born in her. First Jews and later gentiles.
Today’s Inspiration (02/04/2023)
Come to God that He may hear and attend to you. Bow down before Him as someone who is poor and needy.
Today’s Inspiration (02/03/2023)
What is the gospel message? Repeat after me… Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and then rose from the grave. Paul Gee / February 3, 2023 / Related Devotional
Today’s Inspiration (02/02/2023)
God wants to forgive us and cover our sins with His blood that was shed for us on the cross. Jesus died for our sake.
Today’s Inspiration (02/01/2023)
Here is what the Mormon missionaries are doing. They are taking Christians off the path to God and into a cult that cannot save them.
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