There is an eternal prize that awaits every true believer of Jesus. That is eternal life with Jesus in heaven.
Inspirations (05-2021)
Today’s Inspiration (05/30/2021)
If you wish to live a life that pleases God, then live your life like Jesus. Allow His traits to confirm your life like His.
Today’s Inspiration (05/29/2021)
There are people who evangelize with envy and strife, which leads to contention. But God’s people do this with love.
Today’s Inspiration (05/28/2021)
Honor thy father and thy mother and you will be blessed. Picking one over the other to obey was never what God intended.
Today’s Inspiration (05/27/2021)
The Bible teaches that women are to respect their husbands, as men love their wives. In so doing, we do this unto the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (05/26/2021)
We are all called by God differently, but still, we walk in the unity of the faith. Uplifting those around us with love and peace.
Today’s Inspiration (05/25/2021)
God’s promises are now extended to the gentiles. These are those who accept Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross and believe in Him.
Today’s Inspiration (05/24/2021)
God is merciful unto every person who calls upon the Lord for forgiveness. He hears our confessions and knows our hearts.
Today’s Inspiration (05/23/2021)
The Father chose His people since the foundation of the world. He knew who would accept His Son’s sacrifice for sin and be saved.
Today’s Inspiration (05/22/2021)
It is important that we continue seeking and doing God’s will daily. Not just for a season, but until our last breath.
Today’s Inspiration (05/21/2021)
You know the fruits of the Spirit are a part of your life when your lustful passions are tamed by God’s mighty hand.
Today’s Inspiration (05/20/2021)
Every person that believes in Jesus as Lord of their lives is also transformed into becoming adopted sons and daughters of God.
Today’s Inspiration (05/19/2021)
Since Jesus became the last sacrifice for sin, we are no longer under the law, which was our schoolmaster before He came to earth.
Today’s Inspiration (05/18/2021)
My joy comes from the Lord. Even if people try to take it from me, they will never succeed, for God is ever with me.
Today’s Inspiration (05/17/2021)
Because of the subtle craftiness of men, people have perverted the true gospel message and led millions of people astray.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/16/2021)
There are no second chances after death. Our works are finished and will be used for or against us in judgment. Are you ready?
Today’s Inspiration #1 (05/16/2021)
Those in Christ live by the power of God. Though we go through trials He is the one who strengthens us.
Today’s Inspiration (05/15/2021)
God does give unto His people visions, dreams, and near-death experiences. He speaks to His elect, even in our time.
Today’s Inspiration (05/14/2021)
Be not deceived into following false apostles and prophets. They come bearing another gospel, which is leading people astray.
Today’s Inspiration (05/13/2021)
If we trust in God, then He will fight on our behalf. His workings in us will showcase His mighty power and strength.
Today’s Inspiration (05/12/2021)
A cheerful giver is expected out of every faithful Christian. This is doing God’s will unto others as it is in heaven.
Today’s Inspiration (05/11/2021)
Prove your love for one another and God as you abound in God’s grace. Your humility and kind acts of service will be seen.
Today’s Inspiration (05/10/2021)
If you are living in sin or have recently sinned against God, then you need to cry out to the Lord for forgiveness.
Today’s Inspiration (05/09/2021)
We give thanks this day for our mothers. Even our wife and our mother who raised us well. God is pleased by all their hard work.
Today’s Inspiration (05/08/2021)
When we come to Christ, our lives are different. We no longer hang out with the wrong crowds but fellowship with believers instead.
Today’s Inspiration (05/07/2021)
Jesus is our judge and calls us by name. Come before Him, who is King, that You may be accepted on that great and dreadful day.
Today’s Inspiration (05/06/2021)
God desires to gather His children like chickens, but still, they deny Him. The Jews will know their wrongs in Jesus’s return.
Today’s Inspiration (05/05/2021)
No matter what we were doing before we found Jesus, it is given up wholeheartedly if it went against God’s laws and commands.
Today’s Inspiration (05/04/2021)
There is no more veil over the faces of those people who truly believe in Jesus unto salvation. The Holy Spirit is with them now.
Today’s Inspiration (05/03/2021)
As Christians, we turn our lives over to Christ willingly that His Spirit may dwell with us instead of the evils of this world.
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