It is important to forgive and let go of our all our hard feelings towards others. This refreshing comes from God.
Today’s Inspiration (12/30/2021)
It is never good to get back at people when they have hurt us, but to forgive them in the same way God does.
Today’s Inspiration (12/29/2021)
The Father is a Spirit and we are called to worship Him in Spirit. He also indwells in His Only Begotten Son.
Today’s Inspiration (12/28/2021)
Exaltation through man is not of God. Only God knows who will be exalted in due time, not corrupt people in false religions.
Today’s Inspiration (12/27/2021)
We are asked by God to forgive others there trespasses, although it may be hard at first, it is worth it in the end.
Today’s Inspiration (12/26/2021)
What takes place in Mormon temples are from Satan. God does not dwell therein, but condemns these evil places.
Today’s Inspiration (12/25/2021)
When we don’t forgive one another, we are more hostile towards people. This all changes with forgiveness in our hearts.
Today’s Inspiration (12/24/2021)
Jesus is the light of the world. He came into the world and only a few people came unto Him. It is now our time to submit to God.
Today’s Inspiration (12/23/2021)
When Jesus was a baby, His parents went into Egypt as directed by the Father through an angel. The Lord was protected.
Today’s Inspiration (12/21/2021)
Jesus was born in the little town of Bethlehem as was prophesied by the prophet Micah. This prophecy was fulfilled.
Today’s Inspiration (12/20/2021)
Jesus is our God, our Counselor, the Prince of Peace, our Judge, and the Lord of Lords. He is mighty to save.
Today’s Inspiration (12/19/2021)
Jesus is called Immanuel, which is interpreted, God with us. He was born through Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration (12/18/2021)
We sing glory to God in the highest. Jesus, who is the promised Messiah, has come into the world to save us.
Today’s Inspiration (12/17/2021)
Jesus was born in Bethlehem as prophesied by Micah, the prophet. This was under very humble circumstances.
Today’s Inspiration (12/16/2021)
I rejoice in the Lord, my God, and my Savior. Holy is His Name. His mercy is for those who call upon His Name.
Today’s Inspiration (12/15/2021)
With God nothing is impossible. Jesus came forth from Mary as a virgin by the power of the Father and the Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration (12/14/2021)
Jesus’s birth and young life were full of danger because of king Herod. However, His Father made a way for Him to be safe.
Today’s Inspiration (12/13/2021)
Jesus’s birth is the greatest event to ever take place on earth. For this reason, the three wise men came to worship the Christ child.
Today’s Inspiration (12/12/2021)
Jesus was born through the Holy Spirit. He is God with us, of which came to take away the sins of the world.
Today’s Inspiration (12/11/2021)
There are different giftings of the Spirit given to born again believers of Jesus. Not everyone’s gift is the same.
Today’s Inspiration (12/10/2021)
Jesus is my all, my everything. Only the Lord Jesus saves and nothing else. He is my God and King!
Today’s Inspiration (12/09/2021)
You are not in the beloved, which means God’s people, if you are living your own life instead of following Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (12/08/2021)
People can see God in us when we are truly living for Him. This is so true when we constantly give God glory in what we do.
Today’s Inspiration (12/07/2021)
God is able to help you understand the Bible and dreams. Even through certain people does God help you interpret such things.
Today’s Inspiration (12/06/2021)
You either live for the flesh or for God. If you live for the Lord, then sinning against Him willfully is out of the question.
Today’s Inspiration (12/05/2021)
It doesn’t take long before our secret sins are found out. Therefore, covering up our lies needs to end before things get worse.
Today’s Inspiration (12/04/2021)
Jealousy and covetousness cause people to do some crazy things, even to the point of killing people because of anger.
Today’s Inspiration (12/03/2021)
We can build something great for our next generation based on our riches, but this means nothing if we die without knowing God.
Today’s Inspiration (12/02/2021)
When God calls us to do something, we are to also rid ourselves of anything unclean, including idols in our houses.
Today’s Inspiration (12/01/2021)
Rape takes fornication to the next level. This is very serious in the sight of God. God’s wrath is upon all rapists.
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