Lean on God and give wise counsel to people and never bad counsel from yourself alone. Usher in peace, not contention.
Inspirations (06-2020)
Today’s Inspiration (06/29/2020)
It is never good to accuse people of sinning just because they are sick or going through trials. Pray for and Comfort them instead.
Today’s Inspiration (06/28/2020)
Death of a loved one and sickness can wreck a person’s life if God is not called upon. Peace is given in life, while sorrow is no longer an issue in heaven.
Today’s Inspiration (06/27/2020)
When people are suffering in pain and anguish, it is up to us to comfort them. We pray for their needs and do what we can to help.
Today’s Inspiration (06/26/2020)
God gives and takes away, but most times it is Satan that inflicts us with pain and sorrow. In all this, we run to God in prayer.
Today’s Inspiration (06/25/2020)
Rejoice when those that were lost are now found in Christ. Put your anger aside and forgive them as God forgave them already.
Today’s Inspiration (06/24/2020)
Revival happens when we do and say as God desires. This is when people’s hearts are convicted of their sins and they surrender to Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (06/23/2020)
While in distress, remember that God still cares for you and will come to your rescue. Call upon His name and you shall be saved.
Today’s Inspiration (06/22/2020)
Many people run from God, but doing this has consequences like we see with Jonah. So do as God says and don’t run from Him.
Today’s Inspiration (06/21/2020)
A lot can be said about a person based on what they love the most about life. Are your priorities for God or yourself?
Today’s Inspiration (06/20/2020)
With Christ’s return comes the rapture of the saints. Live your life for Jesus, that you may be included with those who are saved.
Today’s Inspiration (06/19/2020)
Those in Christ, live for Him. We do not live willfully in sin any longer but do His will and love one another as He loves them.
Today’s Inspiration (06/18/2020)
Jesus said that we are the light of the world and people will glorify the Father by seeing the good works from God in us.
Today’s Inspiration (06/17/2020)
If you were to die today, will Jesus say that you did evil or that which is righteous in His sight? Judgment day is coming.
Today’s Inspiration (06/16/2020)
We give offerings and even tithing in church, because of needed repairs, to support ministries, and for the workers therein.
Today’s Inspiration (06/15/2020)
Many people who love Jesus, our Lord, and God, and serve Him valiantly will dream dreams and have visions throughout their life.
Today’s Inspiration (06/14/2020)
It is important to raise up our children to know God personally. That they may also believe in and follow Jesus and be saved.
Today’s Inspiration (06/13/2020)
God’s judgment is upon the wicked. Even His wrath is upon people now who worship false gods and have no desire to repent.
Today’s Inspiration (06/12/2020)
God hates every worker of iniquity. These are those who practice sin and have no desire to repent. Their outcome is hell.
Today’s Inspiration (06/11/2020)
After confessing our sins to God, we turn from them in repentance. We do this before and after we are baptized.
Today’s Inspiration (06/10/2020)
God’s harvest is ripe, but only a few people are workers in it. This is because more people are content with their own lifestyle.
Today’s Inspiration (06/09/2020)
A Christian lifestyle is different than wicked people in this world. Therefore, we are no longer partakers in their evil deeds.
Today’s Inspiration (06/08/2020)
Treasures are built up for us in heaven when we help people who are less fortunate and those serving in God’s kingdom.
Today’s Inspiration (06/07/2020)
God is so powerful that He causes our enemies to flee. We have nothing to fear if the Lord God of the heavens is on our side.
Today’s Inspiration (06/06/2020)
We are asked by God to show love and compassion to our enemies, even though it may seem hard on the surface at first.
Today’s Inspiration (06/05/2020)
More people would become God’s witnesses if they would just repent and then give their lives to the building up of His kingdom.
Today’s Inspiration (06/04/2020)
If people come and offer you money for performing a healing, deny it. Instead, give God the glory, and don’t take it for yourself.
Today’s Inspiration (06/03/2020)
We will receive comfort in death, while in paradise. However, in heaven, there are no more tears, death, sorrow, crying, or pain.
Today’s Inspiration (06/02/2020)
Hell is a place of fire, torment, and pain. However, the pains in the lake of fire never cease. This is where the wicked end up.
Today’s Inspiration (06/01/2020)
As fellow Christians, we are to help the full-time missionaries and those on mission trips. Start opening your doors to help them.
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