Once you let Jesus into your life fully, your desires will slowly be transformed to be like His.
Inspirations (01-2020)
Today’s Inspiration (01/30/2020)
God hates it when we are living in sexual sin. Our bodies are His temple, and doing things based on our lusts is evil in His eyes.
Today’s Inspiration (01/29/2020)
Learn to love as Jesus loves us. As you seek Him daily in prayer and in His Word, the Spirit will fall upon you to do this.
Today’s Inspiration (01/28/2020)
Obeying the promptings of God brings about showing kindness and being generous to others in need. So listen and obey the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (01/27/2020)
True love towards others is when God’s love is on display. So be charitable to those in need, as God works through You.
Today’s Inspiration (01/26/2020)
I am sad to hear that Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna have died. Please pray for their family and others who are left behind.
Today’s Inspiration (01/25/2020)
When you are seeking the Lord daily, then the Spirit of God is with you also. God is then able to do great things through you.
Today’s Inspiration (01/24/2020)
Allow the Holy Spirit to dwell within you. You are the temple of God, and He desires to lead You on the path of righteousness.
Today’s Inspiration (01/23/2020)
Come and bow down at the feet of Jesus. For holy is His Name. He is worthy of our praise and honor.
Today’s Inspiration (01/22/2020)
Find time to pray and worship God. Give Him the glory in all that you do in Your life. Believe in and follow Him, in word and deed.
Today’s Inspiration (01/21/2020)
Do not live like those of this world, but be transformed by the hand of God. He will help you walk in holiness and not after sin.
Today’s Inspiration (01/20/2020)
Love your enemies. Do good to those people that hurt you. This is what Jesus has called each one of us to do that love Him.
Today’s Inspiration (01/19/2020)
Lust can cause a person to commit adultery. So come unto Jesus, that He may give You new desires to do His will instead.
Today’s Inspiration (01/18/2020)
Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. However, later on in life, she had her own children with Joseph, as Matthew and Mark teaches.
Today’s Inspiration (01/17/2020)
Call upon the Lord and He will lead You. He knows the way you should go in life, so listen to God and obey Him when He responds.
Today’s Inspiration (01/16/2020)
Show the same kindness and forgiveness for others in the same way that God does for you. Make a difference in people’s lives now.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (01/15/2020)
I love Jesus! I can’t tell Him enough how much I care for everything He has done for my life and is still doing for me each day.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/15/2020)
To be with Jesus is all I want in this life and the next. He is the reason why I have breath and I praise His holy Name.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/15/2020)
Obeying the voice of the Lord shows that we love Him. Otherwise, we are hearers only and His truth is not in us.
Today’s Inspiration (01/14/2020)
Even when the enemy has come and done terrible things to us, we need to enquire in the Lord for help and He will respond.
Today’s Inspiration (01/13/2020)
Certain things had to happen for Jesus to come into the world and be safe. And all this took place because Jesus is our Savior.
Today’s Inspiration (01/12/2020)
Our belief system is strong when it is founded on the Bible and prayer. Truth is found when we read God’s Word and pray.
Today’s Inspiration (01/11/2020)
Sorcery is an abomination to God. Don’t mix with it, or His wrath will be upon you. This also means dabbling with magic cards.
Today’s Inspiration (01/10/2020)
If you desire to understand the Bible, this understanding will come. Open your mind to learn in different ways than ever before.
Today’s Inspiration (01/09/2020)
To kill an innocent child or adult is the same as killing an unborn. Murder is murder and goes against God’s holy commandments.
Today’s Inspiration (01/08/2020)
When the enemy is pursuing us it may be hard to bear. However, the Lord is greater and will save our souls when we call upon Him.
Today’s Inspiration (01/07/2020)
Having an affair or having sex outside of marriage can never be justified. This is all sexual sin and offends God.
Today’s Inspiration (01/06/2020)
Homosexuality is abominable to God. These people are haters of God, for they dislike doing His will, but only there own.
Today’s Inspiration (01/05/2020)
Don’t be prideful and lift up your own selves, but always give God the glory. Pride causes people to forget God and fall into sin.
Today’s Inspiration (01/04/2020)
I love Jesus with all my heart, mind, and soul. He is my Lord, and the rock my salvation. When I am weak, He lifts me up. I am so blessed!
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