There is no greater love than what Jesus did for us on the cross. The Lord is so merciful and kind to forgive us as sinners.
Inspirations (03-2018)
Today’s Inspiration (03/30/2018)
The fear of the Lord is to give Him honor and respect. It would be disrespectful to know of God’s laws and then disobey them.
Today’s Inspiration (03/29/2018)
Live in God’s will. Allow the Lord to lead you. To be used by God is much greater than to do things on our own.
Today’s Inspiration (03/28/2018)
The joy we find in the Lord should be passed on to our children. It is our privilege to raise them up in the ways of the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (03/27/2018)
Glory to God in the highest. Hosanna, for Jesus is King. He is Lord of all and the Savior of the world.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/26/2018)
You are welcome here Lord. Have your way inside of me. May You always be glorified by the way I live my life.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/26/2018)
Lay down your sins and addictions at the feet of Jesus. Allow Him to cleanse you from all iniquity. There is mercy in His hands.
Today’s Inspiration (03/25/2018)
It is Palm Sunday. Today we celebrate. Come and worship Jesus. He is the Lord of lord’s and the King of king’s.
Today’s Inspiration (03/24/2018)
Please do not start or end your day without reading the Bible. Make time for God and He will do amazing things in your life.
Today’s Inspiration (03/23/2018)
Put your belief to the test and open your mouth and proclaim the name of Jesus. Let the Lord use you this day.
Today’s Inspiration (03/22/2018)
Is Jesus your Lord or do other things come first. Believing is more than declaring but putting Him first in our lives.
Today’s Inspiration (03/21/2018)
The Lord is calling our names. He beckons us to come to Him. In this hour, come, and allow His love to change you.
Today’s Inspiration (03/20/2018)
It is so important that we pray and are in the Word of God daily. How else can we have direction in this life?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/19/2018)
It is sad to see so many people closed off to God and His Word. So many people would rather live their own life and believe a lie than know God’s truth.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/19/2018)
The Lord God will move in our lives, if we allow Him. We can either continue to walk in sin or allow God to take us from that dark place, we are in, and bring...
Today’s Inspiration #3 (03/18/2018)
Do not skip over Bible verses that impact you the most, because of sin. Allow God’s Word to penetrate and change your heart.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/18/2018)
The doctrines and laws of God do not evolve over time. What is evil in the Lord’s eyes, in the past, is the same today!
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/18/2018)
There is no other Name that has the power to save us from our sins than Jesus. He is our Savior and gives us new life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/17/2018)
There are a lot of fake Christians out there. You can see who is true to God by how they uplift the Bible and live for Him.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/17/2018)
I delight in my Lord. Jesus has changed me and given me a new outlook on life. Thank you Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (03/16/2018)
It is better to know the truth of God then to be comfortable in a religion that does not save. Test your beliefs with the Bible.
Today’s Inspiration (03/14/2018)
The Bible is true. What the Word of God declares is nourishment to our ears. Study it and draw nearer to God.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/13/2018)
Alter call everyone! The day of salvation is here. Will you give your life to Jesus today?
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/13/2018)
Are you just calling yourself a Christian? A false declaration does not save anyone. Live unto Jesus and be saved.
Today’s Inspiration (03/12/2018)
God is able to do a mighty work in the lives of those that love Him. They are blessed on earth and in heaven.
Today’s Inspiration (03/11/2018)
Live unto the Lord. It is worth more to be saved than to walk in the lusts of the flesh. Control yourself with the hand of God in your life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/10/2018)
Repentance of sins is necessary for salvation. First comes repentance and then faith in Jesus Christ.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/10/2018)
The Lord is so good to us. And because of His goodness, He never forgets to poor out His blessings upon His elect.
Today’s Inspiration (03/09/2018)
The Lord gives us boldness to serve Him. We are made courageous in Christ Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/08/2018)
Lord God, You are so precious to me. I am grateful to have You in my life. My heart is Yours, Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/08/2018)
The Lord God is all glorious, beautiful, imacculate and higher then all mankind and heaven above. Praise Him!
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