Blessings to the Lord. I sing out to His holy name. Above all things will I sing out in praises to Jesus, my Savior and King.
Inspirations (01-2018)
Today’s Inspiration (01/30/2018)
Praise the Lord, for He is mighty to save. The Lord comes without questions asked and takes us in. Only God can free us from sin.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/29/2018)
It is so amazing to be in God’s harvest. I am so grateful that God has called me to evangelize for Him. Who will join me in God’s harvest? There are few laborers but will...
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/29/2018)
Acknowledge your sins before God and repent. Don’t hide them any longer. Confess your sins and forsake them today.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/28/2018)
I commit everyone, this day, to read the Bible daily. Will you respond to God and do so today? May the Lord richly bless you.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/28/2018)
Abortion is murder. God’s wrath is upon those that do such horrible things. Repent now before it is to late!
Today’s Inspiration (01/27/2018)
You can talk a good talk but if there are no actions, it means nothing in the sight of God. Speak and obey the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (01/26/2018)
There is so much I want to say to Jesus. His praise flows from my lips. I rejoice in my Savior. Oh how I love You, Lord.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/25/2018)
Thank you Jesus for the cross. I am lost for words for what You have done for me. What great love You showed for all mankind!
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/25/2018)
You are a fool if you disregard God’s counsel. Continuing to walk in your own ways leads to death. Let the Lord show you what needs to go and what can stay.
Today’s Inspiration (01/24/2018)
Even when I am sick I will praise You Lord. Sickness will not stop my love for You Jesus. You are my healer.
Today’s Inspiration (01/23/2018)
Do not put off the day of your repentance. Your salvation is at stake if you aren’t covered by the blood of Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (01/22/2018)
Harden not your heart before God. Give way to His will for Your life. Confess and forsake Your sins at the feet of Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (01/21/2018)
I am so grateful for the cross. What an amazing new life I have because Jesus died for me. Thank You Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (01/20/2018)
Focusing your time on God will lead you to read the Bible and pray often. This will lead you to know and do the will of God.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/19/2018)
Our love for God will grow as we abide in God’s Word. Through reading and studying His Words, we are able to commune with the Lord and know His will for our lives.r
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/19/2018)
I hear so many people recommend others to start reading the Bible in John 1. Watch yourself in saying this. Don’t forget the other gospels.
Today’s Inspiration (01/18/2018)
The knowledge of God is much greater than our own. Never get stuck on what you know but the wisdom that the Lord God can give you.
Today’s Inspiration (01/17/2018)
When your conscience tells you that you are in sin, don’t let it fester but deal with it with God. Jesus’s blood can cleanse you.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/16/2018)
Jesus is the way. Live for Him and you will be saved. Nobody can save us but the Lord above. Praise God!
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/16/2018)
You can do much more with Jesus in your life. He makes weak things strong. Trust in the Lord and you will do great things for Him.
Today’s Inspiration (01/15/2018)
God is ready to help us when we open our mouths for Him. He fills us with the Holy Spirit, that we may speak His truth.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/14/2018)
Sold out for Jesus. All in to serve my King. I rejoice for the King of glory has come to save us all from our sins.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/14/2018)
The greatest treasures come from God. His gifts last after death and for eternity in heaven. What the world offers does not last.
Today’s Inspiration (01/13/2018)
In all things, follow Jesus. For only the Lord saves. Come to know Him through prayer and reading His Words daily in the Bible.
Today’s Inspiration (01/12/2018)
Will you set a goal this week to share the gospel of Jesus with someone this week? Just be willing and God will use you.
Today’s Inspiration (01/11/2018)
Living for Jesus is the best decision I’ve ever made. All my shame and guilt has ended. I am now cleansed through His blood.
Today’s Inspiration (01/10/2018)
Finding contradictions in the Bible is of Satan. You are not being led by God if you are only trying to find errors in God’s Word.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (01/09/2018)
It is good to expose what is false and teach what is true. The Bible holds the truth of God. Adding to it is wrong.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/09/2018)
If you could help lead a friend from a life leading him or her to hell, wouldn’t you jump to teach them the truth.
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