The Work Of An Evangelist

We are each instructed to do the work of an evangelist. This means to be ready to share the gospel with anybody you may encounter.

Preaching In My Neighborhood

Go forth and preach the gospel. Even in places like your neighborhood. God asks that we open our mouths and He will fill it.

Utah Mission Trip (10/06/20)

This, being the last day in Utah, I give God thanks for this trip and for our conversation with a homeless man, near the Ogden Temple.

Utah Mission Trip (10/05/20)

God guided our walk to talk with two young women at the Provo Temple. The discussions from the Holy Spirit and were amazing.

Why I Witness

Witnessing for Jesus is the greatest joy of my life. I love to spread His gospel message of the cross and resurrection.

The Great Commission: Part 3

As believers, we are Christ’s disciples also. Therefore, He has called each of us to share the gospel message in all the world.

The Great Commission: Part 2

Jesus has asked us to be His witnesses. To teach people what He commanded and to baptize them also. This is the great commission.

The Great Commission: Part 1

We are called to be part of the great commission. Which is to witness the gospel with others and lead them to Jesus unto salvation.

When We Run From God

Many people run from God, but doing this has consequences like we see with Jonah. So do as God says and don’t run from Him.

How Revival Begins

They knew that they were not walking in the ways of the Lord and were sorry. Therefore, they made an oath to God, to seek Him with their whole heart.

A Most Special Time On The Streets

This was such an amazing encounter with Bess, who is homeless. As I was walking back to my car that day, I saw her and could not let her leave without giving her what she needed.

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