Praise Ye The Lord

Remember God in your daily life. Give Him thanks for things that went well and even things that He brought to your attention.

O Give Thanks Unto The Lord

Give thanks to God on a daily basis. Call upon the name of Jesus and He will come into your life. Make known the Lord our God to people.

Is Anyone Seeking God First?

Just because people go to church it doesn’t mean they are saved. What people do outside those walls during the week is what matters.

Good Friday

It is finished means that Jesus suffered for our sins and his work is finished. Through His death, the sins of the world have been paid.

Utah Mission Trip (04/04/23)

God is able to forgive those who walk after the commandments of men, but they must forsake their false beliefs first.

Utah Mission Trip (04/03/23)

God does not approve of any form of works based salvation, which includes what goes on for dead people in Mormon temples.

Utah Mission Trip (04/02/23)

Mormon missionaries are workers of iniquity, deceitful workers, and being led as a puppet, doing the work of Satan.

Utah Mission Trip (04/01/23)

The blind are leading the blind in the Mormon Church. We want to reach them, but their hearts are closed off to the truth.

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