Jesus References 2 Esdras 1
God desires to gather His children like chickens, but still, they deny Him. The Jews will know their wrongs in Jesus’s return.
God desires to gather His children like chickens, but still, they deny Him. The Jews will know their wrongs in Jesus’s return.
No matter what we were doing that we enjoyed before finding Jesus, if it went against God’s holy standards, it is given up.
There is no more veil over the faces of those people who truly believe in Jesus unto salvation. The Holy Spirit is with them now.
As Christians, we turn our lives over to Christ willingly that His Spirit may dwell with us instead of the evils of this world.
Only Jesus knows who truly have triumphed in this life and are saved. He knows who really came to know Him unto salvation.
There are missing scriptures in the Bible, but many of these scriptures are not so lost but are here for us to read today.
It is important in life that we put our trust in God, not always people. People do fail us in life, but God never fails us.
It is important, as Christians, to stand fast in the faith. Let charity abound in our lives, and truly love the Lord Jesus.
We won’t ever know what is God’s Word and His scriptures unless we read them for ourselves. Don’t just take people’s word for it.
Because I am blessed by God, I am honored to bless others. No matter their needs, I will help supply them through the Lord.
Our faith means nothing if Jesus never rose from the grave. Thankfully, He defeated the grave and is alive and working today.
The speaking of Tongues should only be done in a church setting if there is an interpreter. Otherwise, there is only confusion.
No matter what people say, prayer works. It just takes a worthy vessel for God to administer unto the sick and afflicted.
Every person’s spiritual giftings are important in God’s sight. What matters is if we use them for Him or not.
We remember Jesus’s body and His sacrifice for sins on the cross when we eat the bread and drink the cup in communion.
We must learn to sacrifice our lives and our time to God, in order to be saved. Anything else is sacrificing to the devil.
It is important that we start the race for Jesus and the gospel’s sake, and then finish it well. Rewards are then given out.
There is only one God in the heavens and earth. All other gods are false, which leads to idolatry and a falling away from God.
Jesus is the only one who can save our marriage. His presence alone will bring the love that we are missing now.
While dating, we respect the other person enough to keep sexual intimacy in marriage. This love and respect continue in marriage.
Sexual sin is destroying marriages, our relationship with our spouse, and more importantly our relationship with God, who saves.
Hell is the most terrifying place of all. It even terrifies me to even think about it. That is why I pray for forgiveness daily.
God hates fornication. This very sin is causing more people to leave the faith than anything else. People need to repent.
If you are found to be God’s servant, then also live your life for Him. Nobody likes a hypocrite when it comes to people in the faith.
Our bodies are the temple of the living God. If you defile your body, repent, lest God destroys your body and soul come death.
Are you a natural man or woman or spiritual man or woman on earth? You are a spiritual person only if God is leading you.
As believers, the preaching of the cross is the power of God displayed on earth. Jesus paid the final penalty for our sins.
We are to avoid people who stir up contentions based on doctrines in the church. Know who they are and don’t associate with them.