The Cure To Depression Is Jesus

When you are in trouble, there isn’t always instant relief. Our friends and family can only do so much and we need some other form of help and assurance that we will be ok. This relief comes from God. Have you ever been so depressed that nothing can help you, not even drugs? This is because God is at the door and waiting for you to let Him in. Have you ever been deeply saddened because of a death in the family and do not know what to do next? One call to God will give you the answers you are needing. Psychiatrists can only do so much, but God can supply the true needs we are missing. When people choose to use medication for their depression, it means that their reliance on God is on the fritz and needs to be rejuvenated once again. These same people can remember when God was with them and there were no worries about tomorrow. This is what people need to get back to, a regular prayer life that includes daily Bible study, and doing what God says. Then will the Holy Sprit abide with them and be their strength when they need it most. David wrote, “Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me. Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah. But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.” (Psalm 3:1-3) He could have just given in, but His faith in God increased and He received strength.

When we are in trouble, depressed, feeling like we are not good enough, need answers to go on in life, are in desperate need of assistance, and more, Jesus is at the door. In these moments of despair, knock and He will answer. If you do this, tears will be flowing like a river. For Jesus will come and give You the biggest hug you’ve ever had. In His presence, You will feel His embrace. It is warm and will give You chills. As you knock, cry out to Him. If there are things to confess, then get this done too. The Lord loves you, but for You to experience His love, You must submit Your life to Him. Do this today. Do as David said when he wrote, “I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.” (Psalm 3:4,5) Not only read this prayer but pray to God even now. Don’t delay. God is the only person who can give You the strength You need to carry on. Not only are we comforted in this life, but will remain so in death. This is because Jesus is our Savior and will lead us safely home to paradise when we die. Truly, “salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.” (Psalm 3:8) Get rejuvenated today. Not through natural oils but with Jesus. Allow Him to abide with You and the depression will be gone. Your answers will be given. He will be Your guide and lead You to greener pastures. Trust in Jesus! Amen.

Let us pray:
Lord, thank You for being there for me. You are my strong tower and my firm foundation. I will not fall, for You keep me upright in the faith. Many people have come to attempt to deter me from my simple faith in You, but it has come to no avail for You are with me. I wish people of different religious sects would understand that our own works are as filthy rags in Your sight. How only doing Your will as it is in heaven will be counted worthy. You are the God of the heavens that can supply our every need. I truly wish that people could understand this and not cling to medicine to cure their depression. There is true happiness found with You, Jesus. We cannot do anything to cover up our pain long-term, for it will always come back if not treated again with medicine. This is where You come into play God. Have people forgotten You and put their trust in worldly things instead? How is it that we have a drought in the times we are living in? Not of food or water, but of the word of God and prayer. I love to engage with You daily through Bible study and prayer, but I fear that I am one of the few people that continue to do this on a reoccurrence basis. Where have people gone? Have they gone into hiding? Have they found worldly things that are filling their gap? How is this, God? Wake them up from their slumber. May more people find You and Your real peace and joy for their lives. I love You. Amen.

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