The Two Witnesses: Part 2

God’s two witnesses will be able to breathe fire out of their mouths, cause it not to rain, turn water into blood, and much more.

The Seventh Seal Is Opened

Your prayers are very important to God. Especially sincere and heartfelt prayers. Keep seeking Jesus and you will be safe.

The Rapture: Part 2

One day God’s people will be raptured up with Christ. Then will they be given white robes and sing praises to the Lamb who saves.

The Rapture: Part 1

During the tribulation, the elect of God will be raptured up to be with Christ. They are saved, while the wicked are destroyed.

The Sixth Seal Is Opened

Those who love Jesus will be ready for His return. It is the wicked that will be looking for ways to hide from His wrath to come.

The Fifth Seal Is Opened

One day every person who has died for their faith in Jesus will receive white robes and rest for a reason, until Christ’s return.

The Church Of Sardis

If your faith is dead, then there is a great need to repent. Confess your sins and you will be made a live in Christ.

The Church Of Thyatira

God has something to say to those who live under the Jezebel Spirit, which is fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and porn.

The Alpha And Omega

Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. He is our God, of which died for our sins and then rose from the grave.

Racism In The Mormon Church

God’s church has never been racist, therefore, any church that starts out this way is false in every way.

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