Forgiveness For Past And Present Sins
We are to repent and come to Jesus in our current state of sin and ask Him for forgiveness. Not believe He has already done so.
We are to repent and come to Jesus in our current state of sin and ask Him for forgiveness. Not believe He has already done so.
As believers in Jesus, we are also prayer warriors. Meaning that we pray for others more than even ourselves.
Few people live for God as the early church did. Instead of being led by the Spirit, people are led by the things of this world.
We have been told by God explicitly that what He says He has cleansed concerning meat, it is just fine to eat and enjoy.
There is no mercy is for cold-hearted killers who die with no remorse, for the lake of fire awaits them come judgment day.
No matter what you’ve done, there is forgiveness found in Jesus. Call upon His Name in your confessions and you shall be saved.
Unless you are born of the Holy Spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of God, which is heaven. Don’t be found disappointed come death.
We ought to live each day for Jesus. Not one day a week. And when persecution comes, we continue to do God’s will no matter what.
Live a life where God indwells in you daily. Allow Him to be ever-present. Where people see your face as the face of an angel.
Miracles are still happening today as in the early church. But the question is, are you allowing God to work through you?
Why aren’t more people getting baptized? It is because many pastors are teaching that baptism is not important for salvation.
Jesus is the Christ, who is the Messiah and our God. He is the Lord of righteousness and came to save us all from our sins.
There are many false prophets that speak for themselves and lead many people to go astray. So they follow a person and not God.
Many people are getting visions from God in these last of days. This is because the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the earth.
Would you allow Jesus to dine with you if asked upon? Know that He does, but only a few people are letting Him in their lives.
As Christians, we ought to fear the Lord and not have any gods before Him. So we give up our idols and false worship for God.
Voting for our president of choice doesn’t always work out in our favor. But we keep the peace and trust in Jesus, our King.
Women who have abortions are also doing many other things that are very harmful to themselves, others, and especially God.
People who are addicted to porn are also doing many other things that are very harmful to them, others, and especially God.
Every homosexual needs Jesus in order to be transformed. Pastors also need to step up and speak out against this grievous sin.
A big reason why so many people are homosexual and looking at porn. It is because they are not abiding in the light of Jesus.
Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected the third day. This is the gospel we preach. Even forgiveness of sins through Christ crucified.
Be found sincerely seeking Jesus through the Bible, prayer, worship, and other means. Then answers will be received by His hand.
In life, persecutions will come to those in the faith. But Jesus will help us through it all. He holds us in His mighty hands.
Be still and know that God is in control. Allow the light of Jesus to take over, that all the darkness will be scattered abroad.
Rioting is wrong, but this doesn’t mean that we allow a President to lead us in ways that are evil. We follow Jesus, our king.