Jesus, I Believe

Jesus, You are the one I believe in. There is nothing on earth more important than You. You are who I live for. For You are my salvation.

Jesus Helps Us Resist Temptation

Don’t let Satan hold you captive under sin. Come to the Lord and let Him give you courage to resist temptation. Let Him free you from bondage.

Jesus’s Grace Is Sufficient

Through we don’t deserve it the Lord extends His love to each of us. He picks us up when we are down. He is so merciful and kind.

Believe In Jesus

Jesus I love You. You give me strength to overcome sin. You lift me up each day and give me courage. You are worth believing in.

Our Hope Is In Jesus

Our soul rests on Jesus for salvation. For He is our Savior. Let your hope always be upon Him. For His love is pure and His joy is full.

What Is Your Story?

In everything you do seek first Jesus. Live a life full of His love. Stay true to His path. Write your story with Jesus as your guide.

Jesus Can Free Us From Sin

Be true followers of Jesus. Don’t let anything hold you back. Let Jesus cleanse your heart. Walk in rightlessness. For its gift is Eternal Life.

The Lord Is Coming

Put Jesus first in your life so that when He returns you will see Him and be joyful. Only His people will be saved in that day.

Very Few Will Be Saved

Live Your life for Jesus. Don’t cut corners. Start your walk with Jesus and end it well. We can be saved if we endure in His love.

Jesus Suffered For Our Sins

Let us never forget the love Jesus has for us. He took upon each of our sins so that we could be forgiven and feel His love.

Give Jesus Praise

Let us exalt Jesus’s Name. Put Him higher than anything else in your life. For He is our Savior and has saved us all. There is no one like our God.

Love Your Spouse

As you love Jesus also love your spouse. We need to love our spouse as much as we love Him. Let Jesus be the center of your marriage.

Jesus Is The Way

Decide today to put Jesus first in your lives. Give Him your heart and your life. For only through our Savior can we obtain eternal life.

How I Came To Jesus

I learned that Joseph Smith had three versions of the first vision. That the Book of Abraham was found to be a false translation.

Jesus Sets Us Free

Jesus is so merciful. Through His blood I have been healed. Through His love I have been set free. I have finally found love that lasts.

Jesus Is Calling Us

Are You seeking the Lord first in Your life? Is your mind clouded by things of this world? Give your life to Him and let Jesus heal your heart.

Come To The Lord In Prayer

Let us worship our Lord, God and give Him thanks. For He is worthy of all our praise. Let us grow closer to Him in prayer every day.

Live Your Life For Jesus

In everything we do, we should do it for Jesus. We need to live and die for the Lord. For only through Him will we be saved.

Give Thanks To Jesus

Thank You Jesus for saving me. My eyes have been opened. I have been rescued from this world. I love You!

Jesus Loves Us All

Jesus died for all of our sins. He makes ways for us to overcome temptation. He watches over us. He loves us.

Come To Jesus

I wait for You Lord. I long for your return. Abide in me always. For I love Your Presence, Lord. I am a better person with Your Holy Spirit in my life.

Learn To Love Jesus

Lord Jesus, even though I am new to Your Love I seek You. I know I have a long ways till I have fully given my life to You but I strive every day to do so.

Do Charity For Others In Secret

I give my heart to You Jesus. Where You go I will go. You are my light. Guide me to the needy. Guide me to the sick. Guide me to the hungry.

Where Are Your Priorities?

My priorities with God are in prayer, His Word, music, church, and spreading His Gospel. I can feel the Lord’s Presence.

Choose Friends Wisely

We need to put God first in our lives. Give up anything that is holding you back from God. Come to the Lord and He will give you strength to resist temptation.

If You Love Jesus Keep His Commandments

All those that are loved by Jesus are also loved by the Father.  The Father watches over us all and is overjoyed when we’ve turned our life over to His Son, Jesus.

Run To The Lord

Run to Jesus. For He is waiting for You. When you come to Him He will listen. He will wipe away your tears. He will take away your sorrow.

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