Before I devoted my life to God my priorities were way different. My priorities were my Job > Sports > TV > Video Games > Computer > Friends > Family > Wife > God. Everything was about me. I had to fulfill my own pleasures first.  I had no real desire to follow Jesus.  My family took a back seat to everything and suffered greatly. I was so sinful and prideful. The only way I could find happiness was through worldly pleasures that didn’t last. I was always searching for something that would make me happy. Here are my priories after I gave my life to Jesus, my God > Wife > Family > Job > Friends > Computer > Sports. I have finally found peace with God.  I now put God first in my life.
My priorities with God are in prayer, His Word, music, church, and spreading His Gospel. I can feel the Lord’s presence. With the Holy Spirit as my guide I am finding new ways to love my wife and my kids. They are a lot more important than ever. I spend much more time with God and my beloved family.  My heart is in it for Jesus daily.  He Brings me much joy and happiness. If you have found that your priorities aren’t right with God then commit today to change them. Give your whole heart to Him.  Lay down any idols that are holding you back. For Jesus is our salvation and He is the only one that can give us the happiness we desire. Let us put Him first in our lives, starting today!
Matthew 6:19-21
19 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;
20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Artist: Lauren Daigle
Album: How Can It Be (2015)
Song: First