Believe In Jesus Of The Bible
What saddens me is that many people I’ve talked to are closed off to God’s Word. What they’ve learned throughout their life is more important than hearing the gospel of the Bible.
What saddens me is that many people I’ve talked to are closed off to God’s Word. What they’ve learned throughout their life is more important than hearing the gospel of the Bible.
It is our faith in Christ that changes our lives. Through the grace of God we have hope for a better day. Our lives are changed and the veil is removed from our eyes.
What God has joined in this marriage is a perfect union. Though I don’t always make it this way, this is what He desires.
When I read the verses about leaving my wife for any reason, I could hear Jesus say, “what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
In our day, there are many false prophets. They come as godly men but “but inwardly they are ravenous wolves”.
How amazing would it be if Christians marry someone who holds the same beliefs and values. Dating within the walls of your faith will bring much more joy to your marriage.
All those that live their lives for God will be abundantly blessed. Nothing on earth can match the blessings of God. He opens the heavens to bestow healing for the sick.
Our lives are set free through the blood of Christ. Rise up and fill your time in prayer and reading the Word of God.
I believe that one day God’s glory will reign down on earth. I can’t keep this to myself. All the world needs to know that Jesus saves.
When Rebekah and Isaac were first trying to have kids they had a hard time. It was his plea to God that led his wife to conceive and bear their first children.
As we put our trust in God all things are possible. His promises are true. We can look to Him to find our answers. If we let Him in, He will lead us to our one true love in Christ.
Marriage isn’t always easy. This is because our wedding doesn’t always start off in the ways of the Lord. Instead people misinterpret lust for love.
The Lord is looking into our hearts each day. He can see the legacy we are leaving behind. He can see the type of parent we are to our kids.
If you are caught up in the things of the world, repent. Let go of your lusts and come to the Lord. Let Him cast off your chains of addiction.
God desires that we follow the footsteps of our parents and get married. How amazing it is when we can find someone to love for ourselves.
My life was in ruins until I came to Christ. I pleaded with Him to help my marriage. I pleaded for another chance at life.
Don’t be deceived by another gospel. We can find all truth in the Bible. Seek the truth and follow God’s counsel.
Jesus has risen from the dead. Many witnessed His resurrection. Come to know Him for yourself and you will find a peace that never ends.
The Lord’s sacrifice was for us all. Because of the cross our sins are forgiven. After death Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive.
Develop a deeper relationship with the Lord. Let Him strengthen your marriage. Complement your spouse each day and tell them you love them.
Is God most important to you? Do you make time for Him in your life? Examine your priorities. Give yourself freely over to God.
Let the Lord guide your thoughts. Come to Him and your mind will be renewed. Our thoughts will be made clean. Our hearts will be made pure.
Even when times are hard stick by your spouse. Tell them that you love them. Seek the Lord’s love so that you may love your spouse with an even greater love.
If we love the Lord, we will seek Him always. Each time we come to the Lord in prayer let us pray for our spouse. That we might grow together in the Lord.
As you love Jesus also love your spouse. We need to love our spouse as much as we love Him. Let Jesus be the center of your marriage.
I learned that Joseph Smith had three versions of the first vision. That the Book of Abraham was found to be a false translation.
Don’t let your flesh rule your heart. Don’t be caught up in lusting over another. Come to the Lord. For he will change your heart.
Jesus is merciful to all that come to Him. Fall down on your knees before our Holy God. Repent of your sins.
Jesus’s death on the Cross means more to me than I will ever know. Just to think of all the pain He had to go through for me brings tears to my eyes.
God loves marriage and hates divorce. Let our minds be renewed in the love of God each day. If any of you have impure thoughts for another person, give it to Jesus and let him drain the impurities from your mind.