Joseph Smith False Prophecies: Government Overthrown
We are warned against false prophets and false teachers who bring in damnable heresies. Destruction is in their path.
We are warned against false prophets and false teachers who bring in damnable heresies. Destruction is in their path.
Isn’t it a good thing that Jesus is our authority and not men? Out of His own mouth, the Lord, our God, warned us about false prophets.
What do cults like to do? They undermine the importance of the Bible by saying that their new teachings are more relevant.
We do not regard Joseph Smith as a prophet of God. His false prophesies is just the icing on the cake as to why.
Who would be so bold as to say they are better than Jesus? Surely, a true believer in Him would never say this.
Mormons use scare tactics to keep people from leaving their cult. They use phrases like “sons of perdition” and apostates for people who do.
If you are a Christian and know your Bible, you will notice the majority of Mormon teachings are not Biblical but man made teachings.
Nobody knew or used the name Jesus, or Christ in the Old Testament. The Book of Mormon people were not more important.
The Holy Ghost was bestowed upon God’s people, the Christians, on the day of Pentecost. This was around 33 AD.
The Book of Mormon teaches a false gospel. It teaches that Jesus paid for our sins while in the garden, not simply on the cross.
Mormon missionaries are deceiving millions of people. Satan has them under his control. They need to be stopped.
Mormons believe that people on earth can be exalted to Godhood, whereas Christians believe that there is only one God.
The true gospel message is that Jesus died for our sins on the cross, was buried, and then rose from the grave.
How can Mormons believe in a man that claimed to be a prophet and also a bigamist? I am speaking of Joseph Smith.
Joseph Smith declared that he would be god to the Mormon people. How people must pass through him to be allowed into heaven.
Examine yourself to know that you are in the faith of Jesus. This way you won’t be led astray by false prophets.
Joseph Smith claimed to have a revelation from the Lord concerning the Civil War in 1832. The details of this prophecy did not come to pass and is false.
Joseph Smith had many false prophecies, one being the building of the Missouri temple n his time. He cannot be trusted.
Joseph Smith died after giving so many false prophecies, for example, the coming of Jesus in 1891. It is evident that God was not with him.
No person has ever seen the Father in person and lived. Don’t let people fool you into believing their prophet has, unless it is a vision or dream.
A heresy in the Mormon Church is that Joseph Smith needs to let people into heaven and not Jesus. This makes Joseph their mediator.
For someone to purposely alter the Bible and change what it says, that would make the person a false prophet.
To mingle with gods is to pray to and worship false gods. This is evil and abominable in the Lord, our God’s sight.
We are saved through faith in Jesus, not through baptism. Baptism is simply a byproduct of our faith, as we desire to die to ourselves.
There is only one God. If anyone tells you differently then they do not understand the Bible and are unsaved.
Demonic spirits have presented themselves as angels of light over these years. They have led millions of people astray in Mormonism.
Mormons extol Joseph Smith, while Christians extol the Lord. They praise a dead man, while we praise Jesus, who is alive.
Just because a person slaps God’s name on a building, it doesn’t mean that God approves of anything that happens therein.
There is one God that is from everlasting and never changes. They consist of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.
To make a nativity scene for anything or anyone but Jesus during the month of Christmas is blasphemy to God.