Joseph Smith Changed The Bible: Revelation 2:22
Joseph Smith changed the wording in Revelation 2:18,22. Therefore, corrupting the Bible with man made thinking.
Joseph Smith changed the wording in Revelation 2:18,22. Therefore, corrupting the Bible with man made thinking.
Joseph Smith tampered with the Book of Revelation. This includes Revelation 2:18.
Joseph Smith changed as many verses as he could when angel is mentioned to servant.
If anyone adds to the Book of Revelation, God will add unto him His plagues, of which are written in this book
Why did Joseph Smith change Revelation 1:20, is the question. God’s plagues are upon him.
Joseph Smith changed Revelation, chapter 1, verse 7, along with 3400 other verses.
Joseph Smith over 3400 other verses, which include Revelation, chapter 1, verse 4.
Joseph Smith changed over 3400 verses in the KJV Bible, including Revelation 1:3.
Joseph Smith changed 3,410 verses in the KJV Bible. This includes changes made to Revelation 1:1.
Joseph Smith purposely changed the Bible when it comes to Revelation 19:21. This is just one example of him corrupting the Bible.
Joseph Smith purposely changed Revelation 19:18, while corrupting God’s Word at the same time.
Joseph Smith changed Revelation 19:15 along with many other chapters in the Bible to his liking.
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them.
Words and phrases were added to Revelation 12:7,8. Only false prophets would do this
Joseph Smith purposely added to Revelation 4:6 the words, “were the four and twenty elders”.
This message exposes the multiple woman that Joseph Smith married, although they were already married at the time.
The timeline of Polygamy in the Mormon Church. See for yourself what happened at different dates in time.
Enna Smith is called the child of hell and the most wicked woman on earth.
Joseph Smith was a false prophet. This is the first Mormon prophet and I bear witness that he is in hell.
Comparing the “View Of The Hebrews” with the “Book Of Mormon”, when it comes to the House of Israel.
The Mormon church says that Joseph Smith is the greatest of all prophets. See for yourself in their own official book of scripture
In the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, they say that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of their religion.
Mormonism is led by Satan, of which he has called false prophets to deceive people. It started with Joseph Smith, a con man.
Either Joseph Smith saw the first vision or he didn’t. Everything Mormons believe in lives or dies with this first vision. Joseph Smith is either a prophet or a fraud.
Christianity has always taught that only God is an exalted being and not people. It is heresy that people can become Gods.
Out of the mouth of Jesus, He is Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. Therefore, He has always been God.
The Lord, our God, is lifted up and exalted. Other gods are man-made and cannot do anything to help us.
Naver presume that you are speaking for God unless you are for sure on this matter. Otherwise, you may just be a false prophet.
Any person who presumes to speak for God and doesn’t is a liar. These people cannot be trusted.
Cults make a mockery of God’s gift of grace by adding works that people need to do in order to be saved.