Forgive One Another

If I accidentally hurt anyone, I want them to know how sorry I am. It is a big relief to say sorry. It is like a huge rock lifted off my shoulders.

Cast Aside Your Idols

Living a life of sin can drive someone to lust after what isn’t ours. This physical joy can toy around with us and make us believe that it will last.

Our Great Protector

The Lord loves His children. He can see through our busy lives and knows who truly loves Him. His faithful sings praises to His Name.

Arise And Follow The Lord

If the Lord asks me to arise, I shall go. The kingdom of God has been declared and I will follow it. I know where He is leading me is fruitful. His ways are honest and true.

May The Lord Be With You

I am alive again because of the mercy of the Lord. I cried out and He came for me. I was lost but He found me and gave me peace. My broken heart was healed through His love.

The Lord Heals Our Pains

As we turn away from our self and give everything to God we will begin to feel the Lord in our lives. His love will break down all of our chains that have kept us bound.

Stay True To God

We must keep high standards and not be like the world. As we stay true to the Bible we will know what is true and what is false. Take courage and be strong in the faith of Jesus.

Love Is Amazing

How amazing would it be if Christians marry someone who holds the same beliefs and values. Dating within the walls of your faith will bring much more joy to your marriage.

God Is With Us

God does so much good for our lives. He cares deeply for us. He is our King of Glory. Our God is mighty in the heavens above. Worship the Lord with all your heart and strength.

Glorious Is The Lord

Oh Lord, though I have never seen your face I know You are there. In my mind, I can see your glorious presence. You reign supreme in my heart.

The Lord Blesses Our Families

All those that live their lives for God will be abundantly blessed. Nothing on earth can match the blessings of God. He opens the heavens to bestow healing for the sick.

Receive Jesus As Lord

The Lord knows what is best for us. We must turn to Him before the time is up. Jesus is coming quickly. Receive Him and be saved.

We Are Forgiven

Even when we have fallen, there still is hope. We can either soak in our mistakes or come back to Jesus. Jesus casts aside all shame. His mercy is for all the broken.

Be Honest

If you are mixed up in a web of lies, turn to God. There is no need to run and hide. There is a way out. The Lord can open a path for you to come clean.

We Are All Unique

When we start coveting another person’s lifestyle and talents we are only doubting our own abilities. We should not make ourselves out to be someone we aren’t.

Do Not Covet What Is Not Yours

When we follow our own inner lusts than we are not doing the will of God. We must be truthful to all people. We must be considerate of how other people feel.

Care For The Sick

My family brings me great joy. I thank the Lord for them in my life. I love being around them. It’s love that brings us all together. It breaks my heart when they are sick.

Set Free In Jesus

Our lives are set free through the blood of Christ. Rise up and fill your time in prayer and reading the Word of God.

The Lord Brings True Joy

Seek to know the truth of God. Be teachable to the Lord in prayer. Let the Spirit move within You. Let the Lord lead you and be kind towards one another.

Pray To The Lord Almighty

Call upon the Lord in prayer. Meditate on His glory. Let His presence enter your heart. When He speaks, open your ears to hear.

Trust God

Trust in God and not your own self lest you make bad choices. God will build you up and make you strong in the storms of life.

Lead Me Lord

The Word of God is a pillar of hope for all that read it. We must give all our energy to follow Jesus and abide by His words. In everything we do let it be for God.

Don’t Give Up

When we are tied down in addiction we may not feel up to change. Our hearts are so hooked that we lose all courage to do good. The Lord knows our struggles.

Thankful For Women

When Rebekah and Isaac were first trying to have kids they had a hard time. It was his plea to God that led his wife to conceive and bear their first children.

Be Near Oh Lord

It is only through Jesus that we can be saved. Make a promise this day to follow Him. Your time on earth is numbered. No one knows the times and seasons.

Marriage That Trusts In God

As we put our trust in God all things are possible. His promises are true. We can look to Him to find our answers. If we let Him in, He will lead us to our one true love in Christ.

Marriage Founded On God

Marriage isn’t always easy. This is because our wedding doesn’t always start off in the ways of the Lord. Instead people misinterpret lust for love.

All Life Passes Away

Everything we have dear to us will one day pass away. Though this life is short we should continue building good bonds that are tied in Christ Jesus.

Obey And Be Blessed

All those that obey the counsels of God will be forever blessed. The Lord will open up the heavens and pour down His blessings from on high.

God Delivers Us

We need to be fervent in prayer and let the Lord direct our lives. Only through God can we be delivered from sin. Seek Him and He will never let you go.

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