Godly Sorrow Worketh Repentance

When we no longer wish to fall under temptation and sin, that is God drawing us to Him. It is His power that helps us defeat Satan in his trickery.

Sexual Sin Can Send A Person To Hell

As the Bible teaches, adultery, fornication and pornography is not tolerated with God and therefore, these people will feel the wrath of God in judgement, lest they repent.

Do Not Commit Adultery

If you were to keep God’s commandments and have them “continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck”, then this issue with adultery would not be a problem at all.

Respect The Marriage Bed

To all men and women, understand that if you have an addiction to pornography, it will not get any better in marriage.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

1 Corinthians 6 :9-11 (KJV)
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with...

Be Vigilant And Sober Minded

We are to “watch and be sober”. Understand that the night crowd can easily lead you astray, so stay vigilant and go to bed when it is night.

The Lost Has Been Found

While in prayer, my heart began to change from within. I was no longer pained with guilt but raised up in uttermost love for God.

What Pornography Does To A Person

When people try to cover the wicked nature of pornography, they are truly becoming an enemy to God. As an enemy, they are, in fact, fighting against God’s will and holy nature.

Be Open And Cast Aside Your Idols

Let the Lord show you what needs to go and what can stay. Don’t be a fool and listen to God but continue to walk in your own ways.

Many False Teachers

Only Satan desires that you stay in a place where people’s ears are being tickled but the Word of God is being silenced.

Church Is The Body Of Christ

Don’t be a phony but a warrior for Christ. When all your friends are going out drinking and invite you to tag along, just say no.

Friday Night Evangelizing

I continued down 8th and Main, and started preaching on Matthew, chapter 4. I declared, Jesus said “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Utah Mission Trip (10/12/17)

While talking with this man, Patrick brought up the fact that during the crucifixion of Jesus, the veil of the temple was ripped in half.

Thou Lovest Evil More Than Good

God loves the humble for they are open to receive Him. God’s counsel is taken with thanks. They are open to see the wickedness in their hearts.

Repent And Heed The Words Of God

The Lord God knows who loves or hates His words. Most people would rather walk in the ways of the world then change their ways.

Let Almighty God Dwell Within You

Submit your lives to God. No longer let the members of your body fight inside of you. There is nothing good that can come from this.

Preaching On Matthew 19

If we are following God’s commandments then we are also loving one another, including the poor and afflicted and following Him.

Are You In Idolatry?

Worshipping idols includes, spending our time and effort into having the luxuries in life through money, spending most of our time on our cell phones or watching or playing games on TV.

No Greater Love Than Jesus

What an amazing love to have Jesus die for our sins on the cross. We are no longer condemned but alive in our Lord Jesus Christ.


The definition of effeminate or malakos, in greek, is the passive male partner in homosexual intercourse–‘homosexual’.


Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and it is not our own. Each time you defile it with pornography and then masturbation, you are driving out the Spirit of God.

Sexual Sin

The Bible teaches, “thou shalt not commit adultery”. However, It is more than having sex with someone that is married, that is not our spouse.

Preaching On Abiding In The Spirit

Paul said, “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” It is true that when we abide in the love of God that our shield of faith is raised.

Thou Shalt Not Covet

To yearn for things we don’t possess is against God’s will. When these thoughts are active in our minds we tend to make bad decisions.

Love God And Not Idols

Turn away from your false beliefs, leave the religion that teaches that idolatry is good, and come to Christ.

Repent Of Your Sins

I am sorry Lord to have wronged You. I can see what I’ve done is wrong. I turn away from my sins to follow You.

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