Oh Lord, I pray that every believer would understand the importance of remembering You on Easter. So many people mix the easter bunny and Gethsemane with the message of the cross and resurrection and it causes people to go astray. The same goes with Christmas, where people celebrate Santa Clause when it should be about Your birth. Lord, I am grateful that there are two official holidays that claim to celebrate Your coming, death on the cross, and resurrection. This does cause more people to go to church during these times of the year than not, and I am happy that some of them also continue to go after these holidays end. But Lord, my hope is that these people come and receive You with all open arms. A church building cannot save us, nor can what we do in a church, but our real relationship with You, Jesus. You have come into my life and put Your light and Spirit in me. I am changed. Thank You for saving a wretch like me. Lead me this day and forever. I want to know You more and to grow more and more in the Spirit daily. Forgive me of my sins and lead me from temptation. I love You, God. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (04/17/2022)
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