Oh Lord, I pray that more people will come to You, Jesus. May they find time in their days to seek You, Lord. This life goes by way too fast and I don’t wish for anyone to lose out on their chance to be saved. Give me wisdom, Lord. Help me to know how to reach different people who are lost for Your kingdom’s sake. In righteous judgments, help me know how to speak to one another in kindness, respect, and love. I want people to know what sin is, but do this in a way that is not offensive but conversational. In heaven, no unclean thing can enter. You have taught me this fact, and I only wish to help people prepare to go there. Eternity is a very long time, indeed, and I don’t want any willful sins to keep me from Your heavenly home. Lord, look at my heart and see if there is any sin that needs to be rooted out. Look into my mind and cast out any thoughts that should not be there. You are the anker of my soul, Jesus. Awake my soul to live for You like never before. Speak to my soul and I will obey. I love You more than this life itself. People can take it away, but in death, I will be with You forever. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (04/11/2022)
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