Oh Lord, I love Your ways. Your wisdom is for me. I have openned my heart and am ready to receive all the wisdom and knowledge that You wish to pour into my life. I pray that You will unfold unto me and others Your mysteries. May Your words in scripture no longer be difficult to understand for people. Surely, Your words are a blessing to my life, and wish others could see this. I am simply amazed that I am able to pray to the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. Even the Son of Man, who died for the sins of this world and then rose from the grave. You have done so much for all mankind. It is a travesty that only a few million people among the billions can see this. I pray that people will see this about You before their time is up. For only You have the power to save, not religion. There is power from on high and I worship You, my King. Forgive me of all my sins. Wash me clean through Your blood. I am sanctified through Your continued presence in my daily life. One day I hope to die and go to paradise, where I will wait anxiously to be with You in heaven and the new earth. And if I am destined to be raptured up at Your coming instead of dying, praise God. You know my future and I give You everything. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (08/16/2021)
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