Oh Lord, it is my prayer that we remember who we are at all times. That we don’t just put up a good showing while at church, and then live an entirely different life outside of its walls. If we believe, let this be made known every day of our lives. Shine through us, that we may be a light unto this darken world. Give us ears to hear what is righteous and not give heed to what is wicked. Your ways are for us, but the world only offers sin and death. So we ask that You expel any bondage left in our lives, that we may begin to seek You with our whole hearts. As we follow You, You have put in us new desires. Our old life is put away and we now walk in newness of life. Thank You Lord. Thank You for choosing us while we were in sin, and showing us the right path to follow. It is a blessing and an honor to be chosen by You and to be under You, our last High Priest. And because You are our Shepherd and bishop to our souls, our hearts are open to You always. We come at Your feet, in order to listen to You, and then follow Your commands. Otherwise, we are not for You and are lost. These people, Lord, are seeking the wrong things and don’t even realize it. And because Satan is guiding them and not You, they have no real reason to live. Your holy presence is what we need in life to be happy. This is what helps us know the way and to seek after righteousness. We cannot do this on our own, for we will only stumble and fall because of temptation. So gird us up with Your armor, oh Lord. Help us take upon ourselves the Word of God, that we might be protected when the enemy strikes. I believe in You. I trust in You, God. Oh, how I love You, Lord. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (10/12/2019)
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