Oh Lord, I pray that we will all come to know You, before our lives are set and done. Oh, how I wish that more souls would be saved, through calling upon Your name in heartfelt prayer. Through repentance, You are able to cleanse us from within. There is peace and joy that can be found in Your presence. I just wish every person could experience this type of love and serenity that only You can give us, God. We can try to find happiness in all the wrong places, but we will always end up with guilt and shame. I don’t wish this lifestyle upon anyone God, but these people are choosing such an awful lifestyle for themselves and don’t even realize it. Though they may have lived a life that was good for their own sight, this will not be the case for them in the next life if they did not believe in and trust in You, Jesus. Your ways are higher than our own. Surely, we cannot walk in wickedness and still think that we are saved and going to heaven. It is only by allowing You to take over our lives and lead us in the ways of righteousness that we can find the right way to live. For that way is found through You, Jesus. You have come down and payed the price for our sins, while on the cross. We could not have done this on our own, so You willfully did this for us. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Lord. All the praise and honor to Your great Name. It is my prayer that more people will experience Your mercy and forgiveness in their lives. May they be saved by Your grace. Convict these people that are hard hearted now to repent. May they listen to their Christian parents or Christian friends, if there are any, and the street evangelists. You are speaking through us through many people, that we can saved and one day go to heaven. This I believe and know that You are my God. No other place I’d rather be but to live this life wholly for You. I love You Lord. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (10/09/2019)
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