Daily Prayer:Oh Lord, I pray that everyone that calls themselves Christians will have a true desire to learn from You. Yes, Lord, may they open their hearts to You fully and no longer deny Your counsel for their lives. Come inside us all and cast out all wickedness. Bring to light what needs to be changed and give us a desire to do whatever it takes to be made clean. If it is changing what we love to do in life, may our desires be moved to do give it up, if it is not pleasing You. Please cut lose any addictions from our lives. I know that sin grieves the Spirit and Your presence cannot be inside of me if I continue to sin. I need Your cleansing dear Lord. I need Your protection. You are my healer and friend. I trust in You. Take me out of all darkness and lead me into Your light. Take my hand and use me to do Your will. What You have to teach me is wise and I accept it. I need Your wisdom to know where to go in life. Take me now Lord, out of wickedness and all sin and lead me in Your righteousness. I love You. Amen./June 19, 2018/
Today’s Prayer (06/19/2018)
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