Today’s Prayer (05/22/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, will You come now and open the eyes of the blind. Come into the hearts of everyone that is broken and ready to know the truth. I have planted the seeds of truth and wisdom, and ask that You now do the rest. Send the Holy Spirit and pierce the hearts of everyone that is living a lie. Help them know the false teachings they are under. Expose the wicked men of their church for who they really are. Lead them out of a broken faith that has no foundation. May these people come to the realization that all beliefs and doctrines must also compliment the Bible. I pray that hearts will be opened to read and that Godly knowledge will be gained. Cast aside all manmade teachings and usher in the truths of God. I am grateful to be led out of Mormonism. Thank You for showing me the light and opening my eyes to its deceits. You have set me free Lord God. I am so grateful to be led by You and not man. I love You more. Amen.
May 22, 2018
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