Today’s Prayer (03/01/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, there is so much I want to say. I am so grateful for Your great love for me. You have been so kind towards me, all these years. I have felt every minute of Your encouragement for my soul. You were beckoning me into Your presence even though I lived apart from You. You did not want me to be cast off. Thank You for never giving up hope for my life. I am grateful to finally realize that You do save. You are my Savior and King. I may have once thought that I was to wicked to be forgiven but I was wrong. Your love and mercy never fails. All I needed to do was come unto You in humbleness of heart and You were able to do a work in my life. You saw my confession with joy. That was all it took to transform me from death and into Your light. If I am different, it is because of You. You cleansed me from all my sins and gave me a clean heart. I love You. It is an honor to serve You. Amen.
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