In all things, praise the Lord. Shout for joy for He is our King. He is the one true light in this world we live in. Sing out to our magnificent God. Our God reigns in the heavens and in our hearts. He has given His life that we might live. If we accept His sacrifice and follow Him we will obtain eternal life. Cry out to Jesus and you will be set free. There is no one like Him. There is no limit to His mercy. He is never far for He is with us. He is the only person that has power to save. Give your heart to Him. With all the energy of your soul, lift up His Name. Proclaim Him in words and in deeds. Let your actions describe your feelings for the Lord. Let Him reign in your heart. Gall upon His Name in worship for He is worthy. Give your mind over to the Lord and follow His counsel. Learn from Him and you will obtain wisdom. Let His words take root in your life.
When trouble comes I will seek the Lord. I will turn to Him in times of sadness. My weary eyes will take pleasure in knowing the Lord is with me. People may come and try to trample my faith but I will take courage in the Lord. My faith is unwavering for Jesus is my shield. I am strong for He gives me strength. His love burns in my soul. I am alive for He has given me new life. He has taken me into new heights in His everlasting kindness. I am caught up in His beauty. His radiance is overflowing around me. I can feel His Holy presence. My heart sings hallelujah to His Name. He is all mighty. He is most glorious. He is ever present in my heart. He has saved me from pain and sorrow. I am no longer a slave to sin but a follower of God. I have been set free. With all my heart I will proclaim Him to the world. I praise God for He is my all. I follow the one true living God.
Psalm 3:1-4
1 Lord, how they have increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me.
2 Many are they who say of me, “There is no help for him in God.” Selah
3 But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
4 I cried to the Lord with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill.

Artist: New Life Worship
Album: You Hold It All (2011)
Song: God Be Praised / Our God Reign