The Building Of Solomon’s Temple: Part 2
Did you know that there is a false religion out there called Mormonism that has this same molten sea or pool of water with twelve oxen all around it?
Did you know that there is a false religion out there called Mormonism that has this same molten sea or pool of water with twelve oxen all around it?
This whole chapter of 2 Chronicles 3 is laid out below, so you can get the whole imagery of how this house of the Lord really looked like in all its grandeur.
Please don’t think too hard when it comes to serving God, but openly volunteer to do as God calls you.
Every person that asks of the Lord, will gain different spiritual gifts like Solomon did. All he wanted was to gain wisdom and enough knowledge to judge the people, which God was happy about.
Because churchgoers give with a willing heart, there are churches all around the globe that have their doors open on the weekend, and during the week.
So God trusted in Solomon but desired that he would show himself worthy, by keeping His commandments and judgments for the people.
What David had Joab do, Joab knew in the back of his mind that it was wrong and God would not be happy with it.
I hope that the first part of this psalm has already resonated with you and that you are feeling much better with what is happening in the world right now.
In David’s time, people were remembered in many different ways. We know this since people’s names and what they did are written in the book of Chronicles.
So let’s now look at what the fourth seal entails in more detail. We got four things coming to the earth. The person riding the pale horse is called death and he is bringing war, starvation, plagues, and death by animals.
My friends, when people come together for the one purpose of lifting up the Lord and giving Him praise, then something Spirit-filled is happening here.
Every person that was given a role to serve in the house of the Lord was mentioned. All these people were not anybody ordinary, but chief men, for God was not only important to them, but they showed their service to God also.
One of the most often read verses from the mouth of Jesus is in Matthew, chapter 11. And this is because of the impact it makes upon every believer in Him.
Did God ever say that His Word would be corrupted or preserved from generation to generation?
Did the disciples of Christ, in the Bible, believe what Jesus said? Yes, they did. Paul said, “for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
It was God that told David that his son, Solomon, would be born for the purpose of building up the temple.
David has no choice but to call out for mercy, after hearing this news from God, for the Lord God was very upset.
For you to understand the full parable of the talents, you must read Matthew 25, verses 14 through 30.
I only mention the things above, because my life has been radically changed for God. My music choices have also been changed, according to God’s will.
We can see how things for David started to blow out of proportion, where it shouldn’t have in the next few verses.
When it comes to willful sin, Paul taught the believers to not live any longer this way, where you will be drawn away from God and into the world.
If we were to live our lives on our own, we would be sitting ducks to the devil and his fiery darts would take us down each time.
It was after Nathan told David all this that he began to pray. And because this prayer is so beautiful, let’s read it together also.
From this psalm, there are many key points for every Christian to understand. We are to give thanks unto God often throughout the day because of all He does for us, especially His mercy.
What David orchestrated before God was more than spectacular, for it gave praise to the God of Abraham, who saves.
With David being king, the enemy continued to fight against him and the kingdom of Israel. Even the Philistines came back again to wage war against David, in order to take the kingdom for themselves once and for all.
What I just mentioned here is an example of playing with the things of God and making a mockery of it.
Nobody can come against God and win the battle. The same can be said for people that rely upon God, for He is their fortress in times of need.
The best part of our journey in life begins when we believe in Jesus. This is when we understand what Jesus did for us on the cross and we allow Him to cleanse us of all our sins.
Our faith in God is not meaningful to Him if we are not walking in God’s good standing. How can you say you love God, but still do things that God says is wrong?