Death And Going To Heaven

Heaven is going to be a beautiful place for every true believer in Christ. So keep living for Jesus until your very last breathe.

Sacrificing Children In Abortion

An Abortion is sacrificing children for people’s own selfish benefit. This is an abomination to God and His anger is upon them.

What It Means To Be Born Again

Are you born again? If you are, then God has given you eyes to see and He is working in you now. Just don’t let the light go dim.

Give All Your Trust To God

Each time we come to the Lord, He will take us back. His compassion is unwavering. We may have just done something terrible but He is still there waiting for our return.

Return To The Lord Jesus

If you have fallen away from Jesus, please return back to the Lord today. His mercy is for those that come unto Him.

Endless Genealogies

The time for keeping endless genealogies was done away with, with the Old Law. We now live for Christ each day, while in the faith.

God Is Love

I cannot contain the love I have for Jesus. He has truly taught me how to love my neighbor. He took my pride and turned it into love for one another.

To Live And Die For God

I will live and die for the Lord. Jesus is why I have breath, so I live this life knowing that one day I will be with Him in heaven.

Have No Fear

All those that are burdened, there is hope from on High. God knows how we are feeling inside. He knows what aches us from within. He can feel our every pain.

Jesus Spoke To Me

Jesus came to me, when I could not sleep. He called my Name and immediately brought peace to my body and soul.

Cast Aside Your Pride

Seek to make a truce between you and the offended. Do the necessary things to make things right. Cast out your pride. Love one another.

Real Faith In Jesus

Real faith in Jesus brings on a life change also. Where the Holy Spirit now reigns supreme in our lives.

Racism In The Mormon Church

God’s church has never been racist, therefore, any church that starts out this way is false in every way.

The House Of The Lord

God still desires of us to walk in His statutes and to keep His commandments. Then, will He will dwell with HIs people.