
The Lord does not allow any form of wickedness in His kingdom. So if your lifestyle is contrary to God, I ask that you humble yourself and repent.


Surely, when God speaks, we ought to pay attention. His counsel is much wiser than our own and is the only way we will be on the right path.

Abortion Is Shedding Innocent Blood

When women murder their unborn babies, their innocent blood is on their hands. They have seriously defiled their own bodies with the blood of innocent children.

TV Time Or Time With God

If you were to give your time to God and lay off all that TV watching, then you would be more inclined to read the Bible, pray and do the will of God.

Commandments From God

Our desires to help others in need is extended to our enemies as well. We go the extra mile, even though it may seem hard at first.

Utah Mission Trip (10/07/19)

After we visited with these ladies, we left them and went our way down towards the two other visitors centers, one being the family history center.

Halloween Is The Day Of The Devil

Do not celebrate Halloween. It is of the devil. Stay in the light of Jesus and don’t allow the darkness to seep into your lives.

Why I Write

There is a reason why I write daily devotionals. It is because of my love for Jesus and my neighbor. I want to draw people to Him.

Utah Mission Trip (10/06/20)

This, being the last day in Utah, I give God thanks for this trip and for our conversation with a homeless man, near the Ogden Temple.

Preaching In My Neighborhood

Go forth and preach the gospel. Even in places like your neighborhood. God asks that we open our mouths and He will fill it.