Jezebel’s Death

Jezebel’s death is an example of what happens to a person who fights against God, and His prophets, and goes after false gods instead.

The Importance Of Prophesy

Prophesy is a gift from God that all the church should desire. It would be wonderful to see more people speak as they are led by the Holy Spirit.

Thou Shalt Not Kill

If you are involved in a game that involves killing another person, think of how you feel when you play. Does the game bring in the Spirit of God or drive it away?

Live To Death Or Live To Life?

The Lord is righteousness and we can feel His joy radiating in our lives. Eternal life is given to all those that believe in Jesus and walk in His ways.

Only Jesus Will Give You Eternal Life

I plead for all people to no longer walk in their own selfish ways but for the Lord. When we live a life pleasing to the flesh then God cannot be with us.

God’s Word is Very Pure

What God says is pure. This includes God’s Word, the Bible. To acknowledge this means that we are living for Him and desire to be pure as He is pure.

Refuge In The Storms

The Lord God is all powerful and mighty. His plans for mankind are righteous and holy. In Him, there is eternal life and salvation in heaven.

Idolatry In The Mormon Faith

Attending the Mormon Temple and doing ordinances there in is breaking God’s second commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image”.

The Birth Of John The Baptist

At the time of John’s birth, the immediate family were in the room and wanted to call the baby Zacharias but Elizabeth said no, and that his name would be John.