LGBTQ Pride Month: Pride Cometh Before The Fall
Only fake Christians celebrate pride month with the LGBTQ. These are those who are unsaved and are lost in their sinful state.
Only fake Christians celebrate pride month with the LGBTQ. These are those who are unsaved and are lost in their sinful state.
The Lord does not allow any form of wickedness in His kingdom. So if your lifestyle is contrary to God, I ask that you humble yourself and repent.
Every Mormon struggles with three different sins that keep them on the path of destruction. These are Pride, Idolatry, and Unbelief.
People who are lifted up in their pride, like the LGBTQ, do not seek God’s will. Humility is what they need to be changed.
Pride cometh before destruction. People who are proud, like the LGBTQ+, are willfully living in their sinful state.
To repent and be made clean before God is not a bad thing. God calls everyone to repent, so that our sins may be blotted out.
We are all sinners who need Jesus, our physician, to heal and change our lives. All sin is sin in the sight of God.
Pride month is of the devil. One day every homosexual will have to give an account to God, while first suffering in hell.
If the LGBTQ community does not wake up to their sins, then hell awaits. There is a real hell and lake of fire.
We need to be found wanting to be part of the Lord’s kingdom. We need to look past ourselves and look to God.
Seek to make a truce between you and the offended. Do the necessary things to make things right. Cast out your pride. Love one another.
Pride causes people to become very sinful before God. People who are drunkards are also among these wicked people. Repent!
There are only two genders, male and female. Only men and women can come together and procreate the earth with children.
Walking through the festival you could feel an eerie feeling inside. These people are truly in need of the Lord in their lives. They are so lost and don’t even realize it.
The Lord has heard my cries when I was down and depressed. I had known in my heart that I had left God. My life was full of sin and wickedness.
This is a wicked and adulterous generation and this sin of homosexuality is sending millions of people straight to hell when they die.
What David did was very wrong. But for you to see the details for yourself, here it is from 1 Samuel 25, starting with verses 39.
A big reason why most people deny the counsels of God is that they are lazy or simply OK with their lives.
Everything in this life is temporary. It does matter what we do in life. And what is really going to help us is our time with God.
The sinner that repents and trusts in Jesus are saved. They have no fear of judgement. Judgement is only fearful for the wicked that dies in their sins.
God also spoke unto Isaiah regarding the fall of the person we know as the devil, from heaven and onto the earth.
I have met so many people that call themselves Christians, however, their life is not for the Lord. They live apart from His will.
If people could just realize how evil they have become, and how it affects other people and God, maybe they’d be more willing to change their lives.
If you are meek in the sight of God, then you are saved. These people are humble and submissive to the things of God.
Please understand that “riches profit not in the day of wrath.” Why build up a life of wealth and security for this life, when it will all, one day, come to dust?
When we believe and know about the Lord Jesus, it is good to seek Him out often, through the Bible and prayer. This is where He is able to speak to our heart and soul and lead us into righteousness.
The light that shines upon us all is our Lord, Jesus. He is the chosen Messiah, who was born to save us all from our sins.
As Christians, we are to say “All Lives Matter”. Saying “Black lives Matter” is racist and needs to be stopped. People of all colors are equal in God’s eyes.
True believers in the faith do not attack others, but reason with them with love if answers are needed. And Jesus helps us do this.
Jesus knew the evil intentions of the Pharisees and did not approve of their murmurings, one to another.