The Wicked Must Repent
The sinner that repents and trusts in Jesus are saved. They have no fear of judgement. Judgement is only fearful for the wicked that dies in their sins.
The sinner that repents and trusts in Jesus are saved. They have no fear of judgement. Judgement is only fearful for the wicked that dies in their sins.
I have met so many people that call themselves Christians, however, their life is not for the Lord. They live apart from His will.
If people could just realize how evil they have become, and how it affects other people and God, maybe they’d be more willing to change their lives.
If you are meek in the sight of God, then you are saved. These people are humble and submissive to the things of God.
Please understand that “riches profit not in the day of wrath.” Why build up a life of wealth and security for this life, when it will all, one day, come to dust?
When we believe and know about the Lord Jesus, it is good to seek Him out often, through the Bible and prayer. This is where He is able to speak to our heart and soul and lead us into righteousness.
The light that shines upon us all is our Lord, Jesus. He is the chosen Messiah, who was born to save us all from our sins.
As Christians, we are to say “All Lives Matter”. Saying “Black lives Matter” is racist and needs to be stopped. People of all colors are equal in God’s eyes.
True believers in the faith do not attack others, but reason with them with love if answers are needed. And Jesus helps us do this.
Jesus knew the evil intentions of the Pharisees and did not approve of their murmurings, one to another.
Much of the wickedness in the world we live in comes from the LGBTQ community. The worst part is they are going after our children.
Transgressions are heavy on people’s hearts, although the wicked like to mask it like it doesn’t exist.
Transgenders are not born this way but are led astray through different influences in this world. The devil is leading this charge.
If any person supports the LGBTQ they are not Christian. These people do not read, care for, or understand the Bible.
Now is the time to cast out all darkness. Your soul is in jeopardy of going to hell if you don’t put off the lusts of the flesh and come to Jesus.
The wrath of God is upon everyone that doesn’t fear Him. How severe a punishment will a person receive in judgement if they were found disrespecting God in this life.
When you give your life to Jesus, it is the most amazing thing ever. Your mind becomes invigorated in the Spirit.
There are many things in life that will pull us away from following Jesus. We need to focus on Him or else we will easily fall into wrong paths in life.
Living a life of sin is not worth it. All the world can offer us is temporary joy. True joy is found in Jesus. Give your life to Him.
It takes a person’s desire to learn from God, in order to change their life. Chastisement is necessary, in order for a change to occur.