Belief In Jesus Is A Life Change

As we read the Bible, it is crystal clear that to believe and walk in faith, is also a life change. We no longer walk after the lusts of the flesh but in the Holy Spirit.

Repent And Let God Change You

Everyone that does not abide by the commands of God will be punished. To live in your own way of life is also living apart from the Lord and telling Him He does not matter.

Repent And Abide In The Lord

Let the Lord convict you of your sins. Cry unto God and ask for forgiveness. May these desires lead you to pray often and seek God’s hand in your life.

How To Seek God First In Our Lives

What is important in life, in order to be on the right path, is that we change our environment that we are in. This is how we can stop willfully sinning.

Don’t Give Up

When we are tied down in addiction we may not feel up to change. Our hearts are so hooked that we lose all courage to do good. The Lord knows our struggles.

Give Heed to God’s Messenger

God’s message of hope is for all mankind. It is being proclaimed to all the world, by people like you and me, if they might have ears to hear.

The Word Of God Is Life Changing

We need to study the Bible often. The Lord speaks through its words. It will speak to each of us differently and show us what we need to do in order to return to Him.

Sexual Sin Is Sending People To Hell

Earlier I described the different parts of sexual sin. However, this does not exclude people that participate in or go to sex clubs or bars that promote forms of sexual sin.

David Fled From Saul

If it wasn’t for Jonathan, that night, Saul may have tried early on to kill David. So thankfully his son at least saw the good in David and had his back, along with God, of course.

Do You Read The Bible Daily?

God’s words are vital to our salvation in God’s Kingdom. They give us the daily nourishment and spiritual growth we need.

Live By God’s Words

There is a warning to all people living outside God’s grace. Time is of utmost importance. The longer we delay our repentance the further off we will be from God.

Watch Your Tongue

I have met so many people that call themselves Christians, however, their life is not for the Lord. They live apart from His will.

The Christian Life

If you are not currently all in for Christ, then this Christian lifestyle may be foreign to you. This ability to live a life pleasing to God may be difficult for you.

The Severity Of Willfully Sinning

Right now you may be thinking, how is it that I can get over my addictions? You may even say, I have already tried everything I can think of to stop and nothing works.


The definition of effeminate or malakos, in greek, is the passive male partner in homosexual intercourse–‘homosexual’.

Friday Night Evangelizing (01/12/18)

As we walked along the streets, many people took our handouts, including the Gospel of John and Gospel Tracks. Some people were not so interested but others were ever so grateful.