The Spirit of God is not in us if we continue to willfully sin. This is because we are walking in darkness.
Inspirations (07-2021)
Today’s Inspiration (07/30/2021)
Before Jesus’s return, people will continue to think Christians are crazy, but they will also see His coming, even with great fear.
Today’s Inspiration (07/29/2021)
One day in judgment, every Mormon will eventually find out that their religion was false. Then will they wish they listened to true Christians and, most importantly, God while in their lifetime.
Today’s Inspiration (07/28/2021)
Your faith in Jesus also leads you to have traits like virtue, knowledge, patience, godliness, kindness, and charity in your life.
Today’s Inspiration (07/27/2021)
We are told to be humble and sober-minded. This way we will be teachable and ready to receive what God wants to tell us.
Today’s Inspiration (07/26/2021)
Christians suffer a lot. Persecutions come, as people try to still our joy. But in prayer, we are given the strength to overcome.
Today’s Inspiration (07/25/2021)
God listens to those who confess their sins and forsakes them, not people who willfully sin. Unanswered prayers are for a reason.
Today’s Inspiration (07/24/2021)
Baptism is very important to our salvation. This is when we put on Christ and tell Him that we desire to walk in the Spirit now.
Today’s Inspiration (07/23/2021)
If you say you are Christian, then mean it. We are God’s people for a reason and should stand out, but not in our pride.
Today’s Inspiration (07/22/2021)
It is important to know that we are saved before we die. Only Jesus can make this known to us through our faith in Him.
Today’s Inspiration (07/21/2021)
Being rich isn’t the problem, it is when people love their wealth, and possessions, and have little to do with God because of it.
Today’s Inspiration (07/20/2021)
Be prepared and don’t get your name added to the vaccine passports that are coming. This could very well be the mark of the beast.
Today’s Inspiration (07/19/2021)
Our lust causes us to be cruel to people we love. It also causes us to do stupid things we will regret. God can fix all this.
Today’s Inspiration (07/18/2021)
Our tongue can get us in a lot of trouble. Only God can help tame it, that we may speak kind words and not curse words.
Today’s Inspiration (07/17/2021)
Homosexuality is of the devil. They need to repent and become straight through the help of Jesus, lest they die and go to hell.
Today’s Inspiration (07/16/2021)
How often are the poor ignored while people associate with people who look good? This is not God’s way. Show love to everyone.
Today’s Inspiration (07/15/2021)
Only God can lead us from temptation. He gives us wisdom, helps us learn patience, and makes us strong to resist sin.
Today’s Inspiration (07/14/2021)
Many things God wishes to teach us, but we must allow Him into our lives first. So learn from Him and do as He says.
Today’s Inspiration (07/13/2021)
Sin and unbelief are what keeps us from following Jesus and being saved. If only they let God into their lives.
Today’s Inspiration (07/12/2021)
COVID vaccinations are ushering in the mark of the beast system. With mandates happening, it is sooner than we think.
Today’s Inspiration (07/11/2021)
Our faith in Jesus is the most important thing to have in this life. Nothing is more important than submitting our lives to Him.
Today’s Inspiration (07/10/2021)
Jesus’s sacrifice for sin is once and for all. What you need to do is put your faith in Him. His forgiveness and mercy is for you.
Today’s Inspiration (07/09/2021)
There was once a need for man-made high priests during the times of the Old Covenant. However, with the new, we only have Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (07/08/2021)
Jesus ushered in the new covenant with Him as our high priest. All other high priests on earth are acting under the old law still.
Today’s Inspiration (07/07/2021)
Because Jesus ended all sacrificial offerings by high priests through His own sacrifice, He became our last high priest.
Today’s Inspiration (07/06/2021)
Certain people will never be open enough to hear the gospel of Jesus, especially if they left the faith. Their destiny is hell.
Today’s Inspiration (07/05/2021)
With Jesus’s crucifixion and death, He became the last sacrifice for sin. This also made Him the last and final high priest.
Today’s Inspiration (07/04/2021)
Enter into God’s rest on the Sabbath day. This means not working on this holy day. Doing good on the Sabbath is wonderful.
Today’s Inspiration (07/03/2021)
It is so important that we heed to what God says in the Bible. Do not harden your hearts to the Lord God who saves.
Today’s Inspiration (07/02/2021)
Jesus is the lamb of God, who came to take away the sins of the world. Come unto Him and You will receive forgiveness and mercy.
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