Jesus is the promised Messiah. The Father has given to Him the kingdom. Believe in and follow Christ, and you shall be saved.
Inspirations (02-2020)
Today’s Inspiration (02/28/2020)
Give Your life to Jesus in prayer. Tell others about the Lord and His mercy. Proclaim the good news of the cross to the world.
Today’s Inspiration (02/27/2020)
Sing a song unto the Lord. Get out your instruments and praise the God of the heavens. Dance before Him and give Him glory.
Today’s Inspiration (02/26/2020)
When the enemy is closing in on you, call upon the Lord for answers. He will come to Your rescue and smite the enemy.
Today’s Inspiration (02/25/2020)
Church leaders are responsible for their actions. So if they are doing anything that is not for God, then they ought to repent.
Today’s Inspiration (02/24/2020)
People that are for God, others can see this in us. Everything about us speaks of Christ’s love, for our actions show this.
Today’s Inspiration (02/23/2020)
Jesus Is the Bread of Life. Come unto Him and eat His flesh and drink His blood in communion, and you shall have eternal life.
Today’s Inspiration (02/22/2020)
Repent of any willful sins in your life. Don’t put this off, for you do not know the time or day of your death or Jesus’s coming.
Today’s Inspiration (02/21/2020)
Do more than pray and read the Bible, but give your life to the Lord as a living sacrifice. Start living for God and not the world.
Today’s Inspiration (02/20/2020)
Keep seeking the Lord Jesus, who is our Savior. Even when you fall into sin, allow God to help you get right back up again.
Today’s Inspiration (02/19/2020)
In heaven, there are no more tears, sickness, or death. So endure in your faith in Christ to the end, and you will be saved.
Today’s Inspiration (02/18/2020)
Sing a song unto the Lord. Give Him praise, for He is worthy. He has delivered us from the enemy and is our rock and shield.
Today’s Inspiration (02/17/2020)
Seek first the kingdom of God. Do this in your thoughts and your actions. Let what you do be for the Lord and His delight.
Today’s Inspiration (02/16/2020)
Jesus shed His blood for us so that no other atonement has to be made for sins. He is our Lord, God, and Savior of the world.
Today’s Inspiration (02/15/2020)
If you love Jesus, then why not do as He says? The presence of God is only with us when we listen and obey His voice.
Today’s Inspiration (02/14/2020)
Jesus is the light of the world. Those people that believe in and follow Him, His light abounds in them for all to see.
Today’s Inspiration (02/13/2020)
Jesus can help anyone that is willing to come unto Him. Give Your life to Him and you will be transformed in the Holy Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration (02/12/2020)
When people have just lost a loved one, don’t say things that will hurt them, but say and do things that will comfort them instead.
Today’s Inspiration (02/11/2020)
Don’t wait to repent, but give your life to following Jesus today. You don’t know the time or day that you will die. So be ready!
Today’s Inspiration (02/10/2020)
Live your lives for Jesus. Don’t just look like a Christian, but be one on the inside. Only God can help you achieve this.
Today’s Inspiration (02/09/2020)
We are living in the last days when Jesus will return. Things are not getting any better but worse. Look to the Lord and be saved.
Today’s Inspiration (02/08/2020)
Seek the Lord daily. In the good times and bad, allow Him to come into Your life and give you counsel. He will help you.
Today’s Inspiration (02/07/2020)
Get your life in order with God. Confess your sins openly to Him, and He will give You a clean heart and mind to follow Him.
Today’s Inspiration (02/06/2020)
When you are facing adversity, come to the Lord with your problems. Allow Him to help you, while giving you courage.
Today’s Inspiration (02/05/2020)
Make Jesus the Lord of your life. This means giving up things to follow Him. Confess your sins to God, that You may be forgiven.
Today’s Inspiration (02/04/2020)
Using foul language is not of God. In the new man/woman, our old life of using profanity is done away with and we live for Christ.
Today’s Inspiration (02/03/2020)
When you are offended, don’t keep grudges, but freely forgive them. Love those that have hurt you, as Jesus taught.
Today’s Inspiration (02/02/2020)
Treat your brothers and sisters with respect. Lusting after them sexually is an abomination to God and has major consequences.
Today’s Inspiration (02/01/2020)
If you are living a life outside of God’s will, then He is not happy with you. Don’t let your lusts draw you away from the Lord.
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