Oh how I love Jesus. He is my Lord and the reason why I live. What a Savior we have in Christ!
Inspirations (08-2019)
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/10/2019)
If you love the Lord God, then you also love reading His Words. Have you read the Bible today?
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/10/2019)
How hard is it for you to stop what you are doing and pick up the Bible and read it? Is God important to you?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/09/2019)
Live every day for the Lord God. Put your whole heart in doing what He says is right and not the world
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/09/2019)
Set your sights on God, that you may walk apart from the world and start to truly live for Him.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/08/2019)
Jesus is the only way to heaven. Decide now to put Him first in your life, in order to be saved.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/08/2019)
There is only one reason why we are not saved. It is because other things are more important than following Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (08/07/2019)
Do not walk in willful sin, but repent of your sins to the Lord for forgiveness. There are consequences for unrepentant sinners.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/06/2019)
Thank You Jesus for paying the price for my sins on the cross. I have hope in this life because of your mercy and forgiveness.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/06/2019)
Lift up the Lord in praise, for He has done great things in our lives. Worshipping Him is the least we can do to say thank you.
Today’s Inspiration (08/05/2019)
The killings in abortion come with many consequences. This is doing what you think is right, though it goes against God’s will.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/04/2019)
We are living in a very sinful and perverse generation. Stand your ground against the LGBT community and fight for Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/04/2019)
Since the beginning of time, homosexuality was and still is an abomination to God. God’s wrath is upon such people.
Today’s Inspiration (08/03/2019)
We show our true love to God as we keep His commandments. His mercy is also upon those that obey Him and not the world.
Today’s Inspiration (08/02/2019)
You will never know the importance of obeying God’s commandments until You have been sanctified by the blood of Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration (08/01/2019)
Be open to wise counsel from others, as the Lord may be leading them in what they are telling you. This is God driven.
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