Never forget the Lord, but remember Him always. Your faith in God will allow Him to take control of your life and fight for You.
Inspirations (07-2019)
Today’s Inspiration (07/30/2019)
Give all your burdens to the Lord in prayer, that they may be made light. He will hear your cries and help you in times of need.
Today’s Inspiration (07/29/2019)
We are weak on our own, but are strong in the Lord Jesus. Seek the Lord, your God, daily and He will build You up.
Today’s Inspiration (07/28/2019)
Praise God and lift Him up in all things. Sing a new song unto the Lord, Our God, who bled and died for our sins.
Today’s Inspiration (07/27/2019)
Jesus is my life. I love thinking on Him daily, reading the Bible, and praying. His counsel is the enlightenment I need.
Today’s Inspiration (07/26/2019)
Allow Jesus to reign in your life above all things. Lift Him up in every moment that you are around different people.
Today’s Inspiration (07/25/2019)
Jesus is our Savior and the only way to heaven. Trust in Him and all things will work out for your good. All praises to His Name!
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/24/2019)
It is more important to follow what God has said in the Bible than follow what is happening on the news and sports.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/24/2019)
Jesus is the most important part of our lives. Everyone that abides in Him knows this for a fact.
Today’s Inspiration (07/23/2019)
Listen and Obey the Words of the Lord. Be obedient to God and do His will in all things. Allow His holiness to encompass your life.
Today’s Inspiration (07/22/2019)
Lust includes pornography, fornication, adultery and homosexuality, of which is grievous in the sight of God. Repent!
Today’s Inspiration (07/21/2019)
Call upon the name of Jesus and you will be delivered from the enemy. God will change your life, if your desire is to follow Him.
Today’s Inspiration (07/20/2019)
Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Make Him the king of your life and you shall be saved. There is nothing like our God.
Today’s Inspiration (07/19/2019)
Don’t harden your heart to God, but be willing to do as He says. This is denying the Lord Jesus’s salvation for your life.
Today’s Inspiration (07/18/2019)
Don’t resist God any longer because of your sinful lifestyle, but confess your sins openly to Him that true change may occur.
Today’s Inspiration (07/17/2019)
Choosing a sinful lifestyle also has health issues, pain, shame and regret attached to it. It is not worth fighting against God.
Today’s Inspiration (07/16/2019)
Satan has a stronghold upon the wicked. However, this does not have to be the case as Jesus will break every chain.
Today’s Inspiration (07/15/2019)
If you are on the Lord’s side, then you have been delivered from the enemy. All others are in bondage and under God’s wrath.
Today’s Inspiration (07/14/2019)
You may not know what to say to people, but the Lord God does. Trust in Him and He will fill your mouth with words to speak.
Today’s Inspiration (07/13/2019)
If you do not wish to go to hell, then believe in and confess your sins to Jesus. Get right with Him before it is too late.
Today’s Inspiration (07/12/2019)
Know that all sin needs confessed to the Lord God. Pray that His blood will cover you and that He will change your life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/11/2019)
There is nothing like living a life for Jesus. His love just takes over and you are able to impact so many lives for the good.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/11/2019)
Every day of your life give your whole heart to Jesus. Live your life for Him and all your desires will change for the better.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (07/10/2019)
Keep seeking Jesus each day in prayer and in His Word. This way your desires will be to do His will and not the lusts of the flesh.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (07/10/2019)
Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in things that don’t glorify God, but seek to do His will instead.
Today’s Inspiration (07/09/2019)
Take all your worries and questions to the Lord God almighty. Keep seeking Him day by day and obey Him when He leads You.
Today’s Inspiration (07/08/2019)
Listen to God and obey Him. He wants to use people that don’t doubt Him, but simply believe in what He wants to do in their lives.
Today’s Inspiration (07/07/2019)
Go forth in faith and allow the Lord to use you for His glory. Seek God each day in prayer and He will give you direction.
Today’s Inspiration (07/06/2019)
Give your whole heart to the Lord God in prayer. Confess your sins that He may cleanse you and give you new life, starting today.
Today’s Inspiration (07/05/2019)
Are you willing to do what is right no matter the consequences that lie before you? God expects this of us, but who will listen?
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