When temptation strikes, think about God and how that sin will quench the Spirit. It is not worth it. So run to the Lord God for safety.
Inspirations (09-2018)
Today’s Inspiration (09/29/2018)
At all times, be a light for Christ. Be not lazy but faithful followers of Jesus till the end. What an impact you will make.
Today’s Inspiration (09/28/2018)
When we seek the Lord’s hand, we find wisdom and a way out of every temptation. Our shield is raised to fight against sin.
Today’s Inspiration (09/27/2018)
There is a time for all of us to die. If you are in Christ Jesus, you have nothing to fear. Choose salvation and start following Him today.
Today’s Inspiration (09/26/2018)
If any of you have not given your whole heart to Christ yet, will you do so today? This will be the best decision of your life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (09/25/2018)
I love Jesus so much that any sin I commit pains my soul. I never want to do anything to leave the Lord’s presence.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (09/25/2018)
The things we say and do can eat at our soul. So it is better to seek God and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in all things.
Today’s Inspiration (09/24/2018)
TV and movies are truly sick and wrong now a days. So much bad language and filth. No wonder why this world is so dark.
Today’s Inspiration (09/23/2018)
When you are in sin and are approached about it by someone, don’t get upset but thank them and repent.
Today’s Inspiration (09/22/2018)
Go all in and let your light shine for Jesus every day. Be His hands and feet for all the world to see.
Today’s Inspiration (09/21/2018)
When you commit to follow Jesus, never back down. Endure in your faith and do as He says till the end of your life.
Today’s Inspiration (09/20/2018)
It is so sad to know of and see so many people that have no comforter. The Holy Spirit is missing in their lives and they are lost.
Today’s Inspiration (09/19/2018)
Jesus is the Lord God. There is salvation in His Name alone. There is no other way to heaven but through Him.
Today’s Inspiration (09/18/2018)
The Bible is clear that Jesus is God and also our judge and creator. He is our Lord God and deserves our praise and worship.
Today’s Inspiration (09/17/2018)
If unrepentant, our sins will be brought before God in judgement. We will all be there but not in the same way. Are you ready?
Today’s Inspiration (09/16/2018)
Through the words of the Bible and prayer, we have a map that keeps us on course. Our path is lit up that we may not go astray.
Today’s Inspiration (09/15/2018)
There are so many things that we can do in our day and in life but most important is to follow Jesus and do as He commands.
Today’s Inspiration (09/14/2018)
God can see those who are living for Him or this world. However, only those in the Lord are truly joyful and have divine wisdom.
Today’s Inspiration (09/13/2018)
All the luxuries that we gain in this life are all vanity. What does it matter if we get everything we want but lose our soul?
Today’s Inspiration (09/12/2018)
People try so many different things to better themselves, but what is the worth of it, if they are not centered around the Lord?
Today’s Inspiration (09/11/2018)
It is so amazing when we can trust in our spouse and not have to worry about them cheating, for the virtue of God is in them.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (09/10/2018)
Looking at pornography is committing adultery. There Lust for men and women has cause this wickedness to come upon them. Repent!
Today’s Inspiration #1 (09/10/2018)
It is so foolish to blatantly fall into sin, when you know better. Doing such things causes a rift between you and God.
Today’s Inspiration (09/09/2018)
The Bible is God’s Word. We can truly gain wisdom, that is divine, by reading each day. Come and learn from the Lord today.
Today’s Inspiration (09/08/2018)
Only those that trust in the Lord have true vision. These people see God’s commands and delight in following them.
Today’s Inspiration (09/07/2018)
Jesus offers us new life. In Him, there is living water. There is no more thirst but everlasting life.
Today’s Inspiration (09/06/2018)
If you are a follower of Christ and made righteous through Him, then you also help the poor and needy. Where do you stand?
Today’s Inspiration (09/05/2018)
We are wise only when we are being led by God. Trust in the Lord and your eyes will be opened to the truth and gain divine wisdom.
Today’s Inspiration (09/04/2018)
Why go the length of hiding your sins when God knows all? Come clean with Him today in confession. The Lord is waiting.
Today’s Inspiration (09/03/2018)
Hell is real. All those on the broad road to destruction will one day find themselves in the fiery torments of this place. Repent!
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