The Joy Of Serving The Lord

So many seeds were planted and lives were changed because God opened the doors. The Lord has done great things through me simply because I was willing and open to His counsel.

Not Ashamed To Serve God

Our God is so merciful to save us. He does not delight in our wickedness and for this He desires to break every chain of addiction. To all that believe in Him are not ashamed.

When God Calls, Act On It

I want to share an awesome experience that I had tonight, while in the service of God. Some things happen by chance and other things happen because God wills it.

Preaching On Abiding In The Spirit

Paul said, “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” It is true that when we abide in the love of God that our shield of faith is raised.

Jesus, My Dear Friend

Your promises, Jesus, make me whole. I trust that You can do all things in my life. For you “restoreth my soul” and “leadeth me in the paths of righteousness.”

Preaching God’s Word

Preaching God’s word has helped grow my faith. Talking with others in the faith helped my love for God mature even more so.

Passing Out Tracts At A Gay Pride Festival

Walking through the festival you could feel an eerie feeling inside. These people are truly in need of the Lord in their lives. They are so lost and don’t even realize it.

A Divine Appointment From God

Each of us poured out our hearts to God. I thanked God for His mercy. I thanked the Lord for giving these people open hearts to talk to us.

Evangelize: Arlington Drive Follow-Up

Our next home was Victor’s. Tonight we had Chase with us and he was excited to meet him. Upon knocking on the door, Victor came outside and was surprised to see us.

Bringing Church Home

I am just so grateful for this experience to bring church to Victor’s home. He surely needed God’s help in his life.

Evangelize: Arlington Drive

The second experience was life changing. Upon knocking on Victor’s door we were delighted to introduce ourselves to him.

Evangelize: Downtown Boise With Prayer

Next, I met a gentleman, named Don, that was sick of living a life alone from God. He had walked in sin long enough and wanted to make things right, once and for all.

Utah Mission Trip (05/07/17)

As the service got over, many people came to speak to us. They said, how grateful they were for us coming. They asked where we came from and we said Boise.

Utah Mission Trip (05/06/17)

As we walked back towards Temple Square we ended up seeing a lonely man at the entrance of the Temple Square. I could feel the Spirit telling us to talk with Him.

Evangelize: Poplar Street

Those in the faith of Jesus Christ are part of His body. We are all made up in the body of Christ and not a church building.

Evangelize: Butte Street

We encouraged these people to go church and listen to what their friend has to say about Jesus. That He is the way and we are only His messengers.

The Bridge

In the beginning, God and man had a relationship. Our Problem: Sin came into the world and our relationship with God was broken. Because of sin we are separated from God.  All have sinned and

Evangelize: Downtown Boise With Preaching

It surely was amazing to see so many people listen to the Word of God, this night. Near the crowds, in the line, was this homeless man who was willing to hear God’s Word.

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