
We Are All Witnesses For Jesus

As believers in Jesus, we are to all be a light for Him in this darkened world. This means allowing the Spirit to open our mouths and do a work in our lives also.

The Right Way To Evangelize

There are people who evangelize with envy and strife, which leads to contention. But God’s people do this with love.


Charity causes us to do acts of kindness towards others. We do this also as a humble servant of God, not looking for recognition.

Walking In The Spirit

Spend time with God daily! Then, will you walk in the ways of the Spirit and not walk in the flesh. This is unto salvation. Amen.

A Bold Witness For Jesus

As believers in Jesus, we are also bold witnesses for Him. We proclaim the good news of the gospel to anyone who will listen.

When Persecution Rises

When people come against us because of our faith, we are to let our light shine even more so in proclaiming the name of Jesus.

Asking God For More Boldness

Even when persecutions come, we pray for more boldness to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who have ears to hear.

The Work Of An Evangelist

We are each instructed to do the work of an evangelist. This means to be ready to share the gospel with anybody you may encounter.

Why I Witness

Witnessing for Jesus is the greatest joy of my life. I love to spread His gospel message of the cross and resurrection.

The Great Commission: Part 3

As believers, we are Christ’s disciples also. Therefore, He has called each of us to share the gospel message in all the world.

The Great Commission: Part 2

Jesus has asked us to be His witnesses. To teach people what He commanded and to baptize them also. This is the great commission.

The Great Commission: Part 1

We are called to be part of the great commission. Which is to witness the gospel with others and lead them to Jesus unto salvation.

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