Utah Mission Trip (10/02/21)
The moment our hearts are open to telling people about Jesus, God is able to speak through us.
The moment our hearts are open to telling people about Jesus, God is able to speak through us.
Living for God allows you to open your mouth and have Him fill it. We are used mightily for God in this way.
Seek the Lord and You shall find what God desires for your life. Then dive into the counsel you receive.
During the days of the mission trip are September 30th till October 5th, I’ll be in Utah. The mission trip will officially begin on Friday morning, October 1st.
During the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth, His saints will also be ruling with Him. Everyone on the earth will be blessed.
If you are blessed to live with Christ during the millennial reign, then you will also be part of the first resurrection.
When Jesus returns, His wrath will be poured out upon the wicked. The saints will be fighting along with Him in white robes.
One day, there will be a marriage ceremony with Jesus. We will be there, who are His saints. Be ready for that day.
If anybody fights against God and His people, they will have their due punishment, lest they confess their sins and repent.
My life may be on the brink of death because of persecution, however, I will never deny my one true love, who is Jesus.
If you, knowingly are a part of a false religion, then l I ask, and God asks also, for You to come out of it for Christ’s sake.
The fruits of our faith are good works. Not the kind of good works that many people do in their lives, but things for God.
The moment you put your trust in Jesus, a life change begins. You are not only saved but are now made different from within.
Be watchful and know the Lord, that You don’t side with a person over Him and His power. This causes the wicked to be destroyed.
Make sure you are not on the wrong side with God. Many people are and will find out that their names are not in the book of life.
The Mystery Babylon has been revealed. It is the Catholic church and God is not happy with its abominations over the years.
One day we will all die. Where we go at that point depends on if we lived for and had faith in Jesus or not.
When the seventh angel pours out its vial into the air, it will cause the biggest earthquakes this earth has ever seen.
Witness for Jesus and He will give you words to speak. Don’t be afraid but allow Him to speak through You to people.
One day, angels from heaven will come and pour out their vials upon the earth. Even so, people will hate God and not repent.
In the upcoming future, those who got the mark of the beast will see God’s wrath poured out upon them in person.
One day we will learn the song of Moses or the song of the Lamb in heaven. How glorious, just, and true is the Lord Jesus.
We are all sinners who need Jesus, our physician, to heal and change our lives. All sin is sin in the sight of God.
People that think they can fight against God will have something coming to them when Jesus arrives at the scene in His coming.
Those who worship the beast and get His mark will be tormented come death in the lake of fire. The saints of God will resist.
The hundred and forty-four thousand Jews are saved in the end, along with the rest of the saints. All singing praises to God.
In the future, people will need to have a mark on their forehead or right hand in order to buy or sell, much like the COVID vaccine.
The first beast will rise up into power, although speaking blasphemous things to God and his people. His name will be known soon.
Lucifer was cast out of heaven and since then has been persecuting Israel and Christ’s church. This will end with Jesus’s return.
Jesus was born from the lineage of David. He is Christ the Lord. The church is protected from Lucifer, who fell from heaven.