To Willfully Sin

In Hebrews, we learn that “if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins”.

Refuge In The Storms

The Lord God is all powerful and mighty. His plans for mankind are righteous and holy. In Him, there is eternal life and salvation in heaven.

Believe God And Read The Bible

When we find ourselves mixing with things outside the faith, the Word does not profit us. It speaks against our sins and pains us to the core.

Share The Love Of Jesus

It is the joy of my life to see souls come to Christ. To share His love with one another brings me closer to Him.

The Bible Is True

Through reading the Bible we will know it is true. It is alive and God speaks through every each verse.

God’s Word Is In The Bible

If any of you are following a religion that has beliefs outside the Bible I pray that you stop attending. No longer do things that feel comfortable to You but with God.

The Word Of God Is Life Changing

We need to study the Bible often. The Lord speaks through its words. It will speak to each of us differently and show us what we need to do in order to return to Him.

Share The Lord’s Good News

The Lord has power to save us all. As we trust in Him, He will use us to share His message to the world. Let His Spirit guide you in all that you do.

My Faith Is In Jesus

Each day my faith in Jesus is strengthened. As I read the Word of God it testifies of Him. As I pray I can feel His holy presence.

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