Today’s Prayer (04/18/2023)

Oh Lord, help every person who is lost and without a shepherd. We were once a far off, not being part of Your fold, but Israel only. And therefore, we stood looking in, wondering when we could be partakers also. I can imagine that many Gentiles believed in You, God, but didn’t know that they would be welcome because of all the restrictions against them. This must have been difficult for people to bear. Thankfully, You came for us, Jesus. We were always Your lost sheep, but now You have come to usher us in. Thank You for trusting in us, those who would put their faith in You, Lord. And oh how the tides have turned. Israel has rejected You, Jesus, while the Gentiles have accepted You as their Lord, God, and King. And now we go to them to witness Your truths. Help us, Jesus, be Your light in the darkness. There are many people searching for truth, but we need the Holy Spirit to do the talking. I love You, Jesus. I believe in You. Amen.
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