
Utah Mission Trip (10/02/22)

Like the day before, I took turns with Patrick, holding our sign at the left side of the conference center. And as people were sitting there waiting for the conference session to start, I preached from two different gospel tracts, “God’s Message To You” and “The Only Doorway”. How in the “Only Doorway” tract, the only doorway to heaven is Jesus, not Joseph Smith or your own works. At the same time, we passed out these tracts to as many people who were interested. Patrick and Adam were with me, and were also passing out tracts. Patrick was also preaching along with me. People could not help but sit and watch the true preaching of Jesus. We also talked to a guy named Edward for some time. He was trying to prove that Lucifer was not the serpent, even though it says this in Genesis. How Satan deceived Eve and that he is also the dragon in Revelation. Then, we met a guy who was very interested. He had three daughters and was very interested in hearing the true gospel. This man was Mormon but believed in only the cross for the atonement and not Gethsemane. He couldn’t believe his church taught that atonement happened in the garden. This was a divine encounter.

At the end of the conference, Patrick and I went to a place where we could preach to the people that were leaving. Many people knew about me and wanted pictures. We also transitioned near the end to just passing out tracts and devotional cards. The preaching went very well, but getting people to take a tract was difficult, even though we did pass out about 50 altogether. Later on, we walked outside of a bar and talked to a homosexual couple. One of the guys was terribly drunk so we couldn’t talk to him much. However, the other guy was interested in hearing the gospel, as he grew up in a Christian family. Patrick and I both told him how Jesus changed our lives. He was once a drug addict, and I was an adulterer until Jesus came in and rescued us, while changing our lives. Patrick then talked to him for some time about Jesus. Before he left, I told him about his sin of homosexuality and how it is not right in the sight of God, nor natural. He wasn’t upset but took 3 gospel tracts, even though in the beginning he was mocking Jesus. The last I saw him, he was excited to talk about going to church again.

At the bar, Patrick and I preached the good news of the gospel. People going in and out of the bar, including many homeless people heard the good news of Jesus. How Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and then rose from the grave. We also preached on many other things including knowing Him in this life, getting right with the Lord, walking out our faith, and much more. We preached from the Bible, and as the Holy Spirit gave us words to speak, we spoke them boldly and with clarity from God. Near the end of the preaching, something came up and Patrick went ahead of Adam and I. But it was then that I met another person, who ended up being a divine encounter. This guy was Lutheran and was excited to see someone out on the streets witnessing the truths of Jesus to people. We talked for some time about God, His truths for mankind, and how the Lord has changed our lives. It was near the end that he prayed over me and Adam. I was then filled with the Spirit and began to pray over him also. What a day in God’s harvest. Again, only a few of the best things are written down. God bless you.

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.” (1 Timothy 2:1)

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