Oh Lord, I pray that we all come out of the things of this world and live for You instead. It might be difficult for some people who are wrapped up in different addictions, but this is only true if they are trying to break free on their own terms and not with Your help. You have given me new desires that love what You love and hate what you hate. No person do I hate, but the evils of this world. Thank You, Lord, for changing me. All I desire now is to live in Your holiness and to no longer be infiltrated because of sinful things. Truly, willful sins have caused me to fall many times in my life, which I am very sorry. Thankfully, You did not give up on me when You very well could have. You extended my life to where I am today. Am I perfect now? No. But am I living for You? Yes. Lord, have Your way in my life. Lead me in Your holiness and righteousness. I want less of me and more of You in my life. I may not have always been called Your child in the past, but I am so glad You call me Your child now. I don’t deserve to be Your son, but Your mercy is far greater than the sins in my past. I trust in You, God. I love You, Lord. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (01/23/2022)
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