Oh Lord, I love Your ways. What You can teach me is true and faithful. I want more of you and less of me. Have your way in my life. Help me stay on Your holy path. I know that there are many false churches out there. I’ve been talking with a few people from them lately and it has been a sad occurrence. I wish there was more fruit that comes from these endeavors, but they constantly lead to more arguments. Surely, when people are unsaved, they are puffed up in pride and have no desire to learn. They think that they have it all already and have nothing left to learn from a Christian. Lord, this is very sad. All I wish is that certain people will come to know You and that seeds will be planted in their hearts, but I am afraid that this may take a lot longer than I expected. The Holy Spirit does move fast in people’s lives unto salvation and I pray that this happens with the next few people I talk to in the Mormon faith. I give them over to You. Help me know how to reach them for Your kingdom. I love You. I trust in You. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (08/09/2021)
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